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As Cassie makes her way downstairs, she hears Jeremiah talking about portraits. "do we have to physically sit for our portraits" Jeremiah question. "can't she just like, look at a picture on her phone or something" Steven says joining the conversation as he puts his head over Jeremiah's shoulder. Cassie makes her way to the couch Conrad was sitting on and Conrad lays his head on her lap. "okay, get out" Jeremiah says fed up with Steven breathing down his neck. "what why" Steven says confused. "She needs to see you in the flesh to capture your essence. While you're still young and full of hope" Laurel says typing away on her computer. "Her words," Laurel adds. "Well, Conrad does not have hope. He's hopeless, but my hangover smoothie... it cures all." Jeremiah says boosting his ego. "can you please just hurry up?" Conrad says pushing his head further into Cassie's lap.

"Just go back to bed, all right?" Jeremiah tells the boy. "oh, come on." Steven says "This is a delicate science, and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yolk." Jeremiah explains to him. "Okay. Okay, okay." Steven says finally moving away. "She hasn't painted you since you were little. I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." Laurel says going back to the topic of the portraits. "Old. No." Steven says before continuing "When I'm older, I'm sure there'll be, like, like, holograms or something I can watch of myself, you know?" "Just sit for your portraits. I don't see Conrad complaining." Laurel says. "He'll complain when he's conscious," Jeremiah says walking over to the couch and handing the cup to Cassie. "Thank you." She says taking it from him and helping Conrad sit up.

"I don't wanna drink this," Conrad says looking at the girl. "Just plug your nose," Cassie says "How is that supposed to help," Conrad asks, "My teacher told me our smell is like 90% of our taste," she tells him. The boy plugs his nose and quickly chugs the drink down. "Your teacher is a liar. This is disgusting" Conrad says making a face of disgust and putting the glass on the table. "I believe you," Cassie says as he goes back to laying his head on her lap. "Come on, man. Hurry your ass up. All right? I can't be late for my first day of work." Steven says

"We won't. We're good." Jeremiah says trying to calm the boy down."Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em." Steven says thrusting his hips up. "Steven, I swear." Laurel says "What?" Steven asks  "Come on, Laurel. My boy's got to get that bread." Jeremiah says putting his arm around his shoulder."Thank you." Steven says grinning at the boy "Good morning." Laurel says as Belly walks into the kitchen. "Belly, where have you been? Is that a bruise?" Laurel says starting to question her youngest. "Um, I-I bumped into someone," Belly tells her mom. "You bumped into someone?" Laurel says not convinced. "Doesn't look that bad," Conrad says looking at the bruise on the girl. "Um, cereal?" Jeremiah asks  "Yeah, hit me." Belly tells the boy smiling at him. "Oh, my God!" Susannah shouts running into the kitchen. "Belly is gonna be a debutante," Susannah says excitedly. "It's not that big of a deal," Belly says as she continues to eat her cereal.

"I'm sorry. Like, Belly?" Steven says in disbelief "Like, my sister? Like, that thing right there?" He continues.  "Shut up, cretin," Belly  says to her brother. Cassie moves Conrad's head off her lap and he whines. "What are you going," he asks grabbing onto her waist. " I have to do an interview to do," she says unlacing his arms. "I wanna come," the boy says standing up. Cassie stands up and grabs the boy's hand and pulls him towards the stairs.

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