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"wake up," A voice says. Cassie feels someone shaking her causing her to open her eyes. "Cas wake up." Emmy says as she helps Cassie sit u. "did you bring food" Cassie asks rubbing her eyes. "were we suppose to" Daveed asks, "duh" Cassie says sitting up. "were's Conrad" Cassie asks rubbing her eyes. "cleaning" Emmy answers. "Well, then I'm going back to sleep," Cassie says. "no, your not," Daveed says stopping the girl midway. "You're going help clean up this house to the best of your ability." Emmy tells the girl. "fine" Cassie says standing up. "go brush ur teeth and stuff" Daveed says pushing the girl towards the bathroom. Cassie walks into the bathroom, turning the light on. She brushes her teeth and wash her face, before making her way downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Well, my biggest one is trust that Beck and Julia had come to an agreement about the beach house before she passed. It's probably too late to change things, but I'd like to try. I'll talk to Julia, see if I can't change her mind." Cassie hears a voice, similar to Laurel's as she goes down. "when did Laurel get her" Cassie questions yawning, causing everyone to look at her. "sleeping beauty has awakened" Steven says looking at the girl. "so clever" Cassie says sarcastically. "Before my mom gets here, though, we should probably try and make this place...look less... shitty," Skye says causing everyone to agree except Cassie considering she was still processing the whole thing.

"okay ur on wall duty," Conrad tells the girl as he puts a bucket on the floor and hands the girl a sponge. "why can't you do it," Cassie asks. "then what would you be doing" Conrad questions. "resting" Cassie answers. "the more people, the faster we finish this" Conrad says. "will you buy me food" Cassie asks. "yes, I will buy you food" Conrad says. "okay" Cassie says quickly getting to work, causing the boy to smile at her. As Cassie is focused on cleaning the house to get food, she hears Steven calling out. "Oh, we have a... visitor." Aunt Julia walks with the others following her into the room causing the couple to drop everything they are doing. "Hey, Julia. Thanks for coming." Laurel says. "Uh, Skye didn't give me much of a choice, so..." Julia tells her. "Can we have a chat, while the kids clean up?" Laurel asks . "okay," Juia says agreeing.

"I give up," Cassie says dropping the sponge into the bucket. "you've only been doing this for a minute," Steven says. "that's a long time for me to be focused on something like cleaning," Cassie tells him. "come on, you got this" Steven says patting the girl on her shoulder.

"Bro my hands smell like strawberry shortcake," Cassoe says shoving her hands into Jeremiah's face

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"Bro my hands smell like strawberry shortcake," Cassoe says shoving her hands into Jeremiah's face. "I am not smelling your hands," Jeremiah says pushing her hands down as Julia and Laurel walk back into the house. "I've... decided to pull out of the sale," Julia announces. "Yes!" Skye says running to hug their mom. Jeremiah picks up Belly and spins her around ass Conrad hugs Cassie. "Let's not celebrate yet. We still need to convince your dad to buy the house from Julia." Laurel tells them. "Thank you." She says to Julia pulling her phone out and walking away.

"so you and I can have an adult conversation about the house," Laurel says as the group of kids sneaks closer to the two

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"so you and I can have an adult conversation about the house," Laurel says as the group of kids sneaks closer to the two. "Okay. Yeah. Thanks for coming all this way to back me up. They haven't been making it easy on me." Adam says "Oh, I'm not here to back you up. I'm here to back up the boys. You can't let them lose this house, Adam." Laurel says. Cassie and Conrad look at each other. "Well, it's done. Julia sold it." Adam says "Actually, I, um, changed my mind." Julia says walking into the kitchen. "Hi," She says looking at Adam, causing Adam to laugh. "Okay, well, let's get something straight here. I'm not letting them lose anything. This has been out of my hands since the start. So don't go making me the bag guy" Adam says getting defensive. Conrad goes to walk out but is grabbed back by Jeremiah. "obvious, you're not hearing what she is trying to tell her" Emmy says.

"I'm not making, you out to be anything. I'm trying to help you." Laurel says "Let someone else try to solve a problem for once." Jeremiah tells Conrad. "So, what? You're just gonna dissolve the trust and gift the boys the beach house?" Adam says. "No, she can't do that. She has a child of her own to consider." Laurel tells him. "Yeah, well, I'm not gonna squander their trust to buy this house, and frankly, I'm surprised that you would support that," Adam says. "When did I ever say that? I just want you to move some money around to buy it for them." Laurel says.

"What?" Adam says in disbelief. "Fair market value, terms negotiable, of course," Julia speaks up. "I think, um, I'm gonna go now because that's... That's not happening, end of story." Adam says grabbing his keys. "Uh, you know what? I have a question for you. Why is it that those boys have been trying harder for the last three days to save this house than you have in the last several weeks?" Julia says stepping closer to Adam. "Adam," Laurel says. "No, shut up, Laurel." Adam says, "You don't have the right to tell her that," Emmy says. "Listen to me. You don't have a vote, okay? I know Suze made you feel like this house is part of yours, but it's not." Adam says. "Where do you get off saying sh*t like that?" Conrad says as the group storms into the kitchen.

"Con... It's for the best." Adam says facing them before turning back to Laurel. "Did you think railroading me would change my mind?" Adam says raising his voice. "lower your fucking tone" "Excuse me, but fuck you!" "Okay, all right, all right, let's..." Aunt Julia says but is cut off by Adam. "Suze wouldn't want us fighting like this," Adam says. "You have no idea what she would want! "You lost her a long time ago," Conrad says. "Can't you get past your grief and see what it means to the boys?" Laurel says "Look, I thought it would be better this way. Easier for everyone if we let this place go." Adam says "A place they have grown up in" Daveed says. "Easier for you," Conrad says. "Yeah. Being here is hard. It's hard. Uh... She's everywhere here." Adam says.

"She loved you. I tried to talk some sense into her. It's no secret I've never been your biggest fan. But she wouldn't listen, because when Beck set her mind on something, that's it. She set her mind on you, Adam. And on making this house a special place for our kids. Do this one last thing for her." Laurel says "Laurel." Adam says. "Dad. Please?" Jeremiah says. "Look, I'm not gonna let them use their trusts. But if I sell the Boston house, that could give us enough. You'd both be at school mostly anyway, but we can't afford both houses. Is this really what you want?" Adam says looking at the boys. "Yeah." "Yeah" "Okay, then," Adam says and Conrad's hand on Cassie's hand softens as Belly and Steven walk up to their mother. Conrad puts his hand on Jeremiah's shoulder.

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