Nicole's party

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"This is delicious." Cam complimented them as they are eating. "Yeah." Belly agrees. "Of course it is." Susannah says "So, Cam You mind if I call you Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah speaks up. "Mm-hmm. Yeah, man. Feel free. That's funny." Cam says chuckling at the boy.  "Cool." says Jeremiah "I'm glad you're here, Cameron. I know your mom, Denise, from the club. I have heard a lot about you."Susannah tells the boy. "Thank you so much for having me, Susannah. My mom says hi." Cam says. "Cam, have you ever had miyeok-guk before? It's a Korean birthday tradition." Laurel asks Cam. "No. Looks so good. Thank you." Cam says "Belly told me you're vegetarian, so I didn't put any meat in it." Laurel informs the boy. "Thank you, Laurel," Cam says.

"Why don't you eat meat, Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah asked, "Uh, the meat industry is, like, the number one contributor to global warming." Cam says. "And I just, I like animals." Cam adds "Just don't come for my leather jacket." Taylor says. "I'm pretty sure you mean pleather," Steven says laughing. "You know, uh, actually, Belly eats meat. So, you let her kiss you with those lips?" Jeremiah says. "guys" Laurel sighs. "stop," Belly says. "No, I don't judge people for eating meat. It's just, like, a personal choice. I don't care." Cam says.

"So you don't mind if, uh, like, her lips touch a dead animal, and then those dead animal lips touch your lips, right"  Jeremiah questions. "I don't mind at all. Um, in fact..." Cam says as he leans over and gives Belly a quick peck on the lips. "oh shit" Cassie whispers and Conrad smiles a little hearing what she said. Susannah aws, while Steven and Jeremiah pretend to retch. "All right. All right, all right. Belly's allowed to kiss, but that's it." Laurel says laughing. "Mom, please. No. You're so not funny. No more wine for you, okay?" Belly tells her mom.

"I'm sorry. I just don't understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub." Steven says. "I was like two years old," Belly says. "Two? More like six."  Steven says. "Shut up, Steven," Belly tells the boy. "Aw, I remember that. God, that feels like a lifetime ago." Susannah says laughing.'I remember when I visited last summer, and you and you dared him to pee in the fireplace, and you stunk up the entire house for days. Do you remember that?" Taylor says pointing towards the three boys. Cassie looks over at her boyfriend and raises her eyebrows. The boy just sends her a lazy smile.

"I blamed the neighbor's cat," Susannah says shocked. "We were drunk. We were drunk." Steven says trying to defend himself and the two brothers. "On like half a White Claw," Taylor tells him. "She got you there," Jeremiah says laughing and patting Stevens's back. "You know, um, I'm thinking maybe we should go to Nicole's party," Belly speaks up. "Yes. Oh, my God. I love you. I'm so excited" Taylor says

"Belly Cassie, you came!" Nicole says coming up to the trio of girls

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"Belly Cassie, you came!" Nicole says coming up to the trio of girls."Hey, Nicole. You look so pretty." Belly compliments the girl. "Oh, and this is my friend, Taylor," Belly says introducing the two girls. "Hi," Taylor says waving at the girl and Nicole greets her back."Oh, me? Look at you. Oh, my goodness. Are those real flowers?" Nicole ask. "Yes." Belly answers "Incredible. Well, we have to show Gigi." Nicole tells the girl grabbing Cassie's hand and pulling her towards a table with a bunch of cakes as Belly checks in with her best friend.

"You guys, look who's here," Nicole says as Belly makes her way to the table. The girls wish Belly a happy birthday and she thanks them. "Um, is this for me?" Belly ask. "Who else would it be for, Belly?"  Gigi joked. 'Oh, my... Thank you, guys." Belly says shocked. "These cakes are amazing, Nicole," Belly tells the girl. "I never miss a chance to have a Sofia Coppola moment," Nicole says and the girls laugh. The girls sing happy birthday to the girl and when the song comes to an end. Nicole says "Well, Belly, make a wish." Belly stands there for a moment before blowing the candle.

"Oh, Belly, where's Jeremiah?" Gigi asks "Um, I think he's over by the drinks table." Belly answers "Who's thirsty?" Gigi ask. "You clearly," Nicole tells the girl, and the rest of the girls laugh. 'Im gonna go over there with Con" Cassie tells the girls before walking over to where her boyfriend is. "So what's the tea on Cassie and Conrad's relationship," Nicole asks Belly once the girl is out of ear shoot.

"You wanna go upstairs" Conrad whispers in the girl's ears as she comes to join him. "This isn't your house," Cassie tells him as she takes a sip from his cup. Conrad stands up and pulls the girl with him. "so" he says to her.

"Cam, have you started the waltz lessons yet?" Jeremiah asks the boy

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"Cam, have you started the waltz lessons yet?" Jeremiah asks the boy. "Ms. Covington's a real sadist," Conrad comments. "Who you talking about?" Cam asks "The-the dance teacher. For the ball." Conrad informs the boy taking a swing from a cup. "Belly hasn't asked me yet," Cam tells them. "I'm sure she will. She likes you" Cassie reassures the boy considering Belly talks about him nonstop to her. "If you say so," Cam says.

Jeremiah, Cam, Cassie, and Conrad were playing the game when Belly comes rushing outside.
"Hey," Belly says making herself know. "Hi," Cam says smiling at the girl. "Belly." Jeremiah gasps. "Where have you been?" Cam asks. "Yeah. Um, I-I thought you didn't drink." Belly says changing the subject. "Oh, it's water. Jeremiah's been drinking for me." Cam tells the girl."Mm-hmm. I love this kid so much." Jeremiah says putting his arm around Cma. "Um, hey, can we leave? Like, now?" Belly asks. "Yeah, um, yeah. sure, that's cool." Cam says.

"Uh, I'll see you later," Cam tells the group. "Yeah, have fun," Jeremiah says.  "Good luck," Cam says to the couple. "I don't think we need it," Cassie says to the boy and he smiles at her before walking away with Belly. "Two v. one, all right?" Jeremiah says. "You guys are going down. Ready?" Jeremiah tells the couples. "Nice shot." Cassie compliments as Jeremiah makes one into a cup. "You owe me five bucks. I told you" Jeremiah says.

Cassie was in the bathroom looking in the mirror and wiping her makeup off

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Cassie was in the bathroom looking in the mirror and wiping her makeup off. Conrad comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Marry me" Conrad mumbles. "what" Cassie asks. "Marry me" the boy repeats. "Are you serious?" She asked. "Yep," Conrad says as he watches Cassie throw away the makeup wipe. "Come here," he says grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the table side desk. He pulls the ring out and shows the girl. "Are you sure you ready?" Cassie asks looking up at the boy.

"I should be asking you that," Conrad says looking up at the girl. "yes" The girl answers nodding her head. Conrad smiles back, sliding the ring on her finger and pulling her into a kiss. Conrad truly did want to marry the girl, the reason he did it at this moment was so his mother could be there to witness it.

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