Great Boardwalk showdown

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"Oh, my God!" Steven says as the group walks into the arcade. "Do you want me to stay outside with you?" Conrad asks as he stops and grabs both of her hands. "I'm fine, go have fun you deserve it," Cassie says. "I should stay here with you," Conrad says. "I'll be fine, I'm going to play the games," Cassie says "Are you sure," Conrad asks bringing his hands up to the girl's face. "I'm sure," Cassie says. Conrad kisses the girl and pulls away. "love you" Conrad says. "love you too" Cassie says as The group minus Cassie makes their inside the arena. Cassie makes her way up to the counter. "Hi. what can I get for you" The employee says. "oh my gosh, you're Cassie Diggs" The girl says.

"yeah," Cassie says smiling at the girl. "do you think I can take a photo real quick," She asks. "of course," Cassie says. The girl pulls her phone out before taking a selfie of the two. "Okay, now would you like a card," She asks. "yep" Cassie confirms. "how many tokens," The employee asks. "1,000" Cassie tells her. "your total comes out to 10.50 dollars," The employee says. Cassie hands her card to the girl and the girl slides her card before handing it back. "Enjoy," The employee tells her as she hands her the playing card. "thank you," Cassie says as she goes to find a game. She finds a game and swipes her card. As she grabs a ball a man comes up to her. She notices the camera and rolls her eyes.

"don't you have something better to do than stalk me," Cassie asks as the man gets closer to her. "Cassie can you tell us why did you decide to have a baby so young," The man asks. "Can you tell me why you decide to stalk people with your life" Cassie shoots back. "it's pathetic really" Cassie adds as she finishes her game and goes to find another one. The guy continues to follow her, so she goes up to the counter. "this guy is following me." She tells the guy at the desk.

"would you like it if we had someone stick with you," The employee asks. "yes, thank you so much," Cassie says. "Dean, can you please stick with her" The guy calls out and a guy with brown hair comes out. "yeah," Dean says coming from behind the counter. Cassie starts to walk around the arcade and Dean follows her. "do you want to play a game" Cassie asks. "let's go play Connect Four" Dean says. "okay" Cassie says nodding follow Dean over to the game. Cassie swipes her card for both sides. The basketballs come out and Cassie grabs one. Cassie tries to shoot one but misses. "damn it" Cassie mutters as Dean laughs. "Don't laugh" Cassie points at him before grabbing another one. This time she makes it. "your turn" Cassie says to Dean as she takes out her phone to text her dad. "you need to come to cousins asap, The house is on sell!!!" Cassie types out before hitting send.

Cassie puts her phone into her pocket. She looks up to see Dean had blocked her. Her jaws drop as she looks at the boy. "can't you take it easy" Cassie asks "All fair in love in war" Dean says shrugging spinning the basketball on his finger. The two of them finish up the game as The group comes out of laser tag. "do you want me to walk you over there or do you got it from her" Dean asks. "I got it from her" Cassie answers as Jeremiah points over at the girl. "thank you so much," Cassie says. "it's no problem," Dean says walking away. "who was he," Jeremiah asks as he and Conrad meet the girl halfway. "Dean. some guy was following me so he stuck with me" Cassie tells him.

"so what's next," Cassie asks. "Rock wall," Conrad says grabbing the girl's hand. The three of them make their way to the rock wall and Skye comes up to them. "Hey, guys." They say and Jeremiah greets them back while Conrad and Cassie stay silent. "can I ask you two a question?" Skye asks. "Sure." "Yeah." "Do you remember the last time we saw each other?" Skye questions. "I remember you were a lot smaller," Jeremiah says. "Ah, yes. Thank you, puberty." Skye says flexing their arms before continuing. "Um, yeah, it was, was the Christmas just after Grandpa died," Skye says. "I remember you and your mom bailed Christmas morning. My mom had cooked a huge breakfast. She was heartbroken." Conrad speaks up.

"My mom was hoping it would be a chance to clear the air about all the shit from the past. Your mom wanted it to be picture-perfect Christmas. You know, "nothing ever happened." So, um, they fought and we left. My mom cried the whole plane ride home. I mean, we had pizza for Christmas dinner. It became kind of a tradition. Call it "Shitmas." Skye tells them. "I don't think Mom was trying to shut your mom down. I think she just wanted a fresh start." Conrad tells them. "it was also Christmas, I wouldn't want to talk about whatever happened when they are other days to talk about it" Cassie adds. Sucks our moms never got to work their shit out. I mean, the beach house is pretty cool. Would have been nice to spend some time there with you guys." Skye tells them.

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