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"Please welcome Cassie Diggs to the screen" Jimmy Fallon announces and the crowd starts to make all kinds of noises as Cassie appears. "Welcome back Cassie" Jimmy says "Hi Jimmy, thank you for having me again," Cassie says smiling. "So Cassie You are doing this interview virtually, why is that" Jimmy questions.  "So basically, my boyfriend had invited me to a beach house that his family and another family who goes to every summer and he invited me this year" Cassie answers not realizing what word had slipped. Cassie gasps and covers her mouth once she realizes.  "So boyfriend you say" Jimmy says as he starts to smirk. "when did this happen" Jimmy then asks.

"it was 2 years ago on my birthday" Cassie answers.  "so romantic" Jimmy says placing his hands over his heart. "okay now that we've learned this new information. You stared in a Netflix show that was released a couple months ago. Would you like to tell us about that" jimmy says and Cassie laughs. "So I am not okay with this is a show that's about a girl who finds out she has powers while having to navigate the troubles of Family, High school and her own sexuality" Cassie says explaining the show.

"So who do you play in this show" jimmy ask "I play Celina Ross and while dealing why Highschool she figures out her family secrets" Cassie says explaining her character. "There's a rumor going around that you are staring in a new show can you tells us about it" jimmy questions. "The show that I'm going to be staring in was really fun to film. A little hint for an idea of the show is that I grew up with the cast and the franchiser." Cassie tells him and the audience. "Can you give us a little overview of the newer version of the character you grew up playing" Jimmy ask the girl. "She definitely has stepped up her game in her like defense area and she does kinda become a mother to a bunch of teenagers" Cassie answers smiling a little.

"Thank you for that lovely overview. So today we have some fan questions that you are gonna be answering today you up for it" jimmy says "yeah let's do it" Cassie says. "Question one. What was Cassie's favorite show to film and why" Jimmy says reading the question out loud. "I have to say the umbrella academy mainly because I was filming with my mom and overall the cast are really great people" Cassie answers the question. "Question two. Is Cassie ever going to follow in her fathers footsteps and go into broadway" Jimmy says. "Actually I've been thinking about it but I've never really decided yet. I have to give more thought into that one" Cassie says.

"Our next question says can we get the initials of Cassie's boyfriend name" Jimmy says. Cassie laughs before saying. "He's not famous if that's what you guys are thinking, but his initials are CF" Cassie says smiling. "Might be harder now for those detectives fans" Jimmy jokes and Cassie chuckles at it. "Ok here goes another one. "Out of all the horror movies you've start in, which one actually sorta scared you" Jimmy says reading off the paper. "It" Cassie says "you said that do quickly" Jimmy says laughing. "Bill as pennywise overall honestly was a little terrifying. I remember one day we were going to film a scene and I was in my trailer. I guess someone sent Bill to let me know and he knocks, so obviously I say come in. Bill opens the door and I turn around. When I saw him I just screamed because it caught me off guard" Cassie explains laughing and so does Jimmy.

"I would've definitely be scared if I just saw a tall clown come into my trailer" Jimmy says laughing. "Our fifth question asks  did you have a crush on any of your costars" Jimmy says. "I had a crush on Bill. Well I still do, but it's not as big as it was while I was filming" Cassie says exposing herself a little. "Interesting does Mr.C know about this" Jimmy ask "yeah, he was the first person I told about this crush" Cassie says. "Was he jealous" Jimmy ask. "Well most likely not considering the difference in our age" Cassie tells him.

"Our six questions wants to know if Cassie can listen to one artist for the rest of her life what would it be" Jimmy reads. "Conan gray.  His music is one of the reasons we became friends. I dm'd him and told him how much I enjoyed his music and then we become friends after that" Cassie says. "Next question says what is one show that Cassie Diggs can play on repeat" Jimmy says. "One show I do watch on repeat is Jessie. When the last episode ends I go back and start from the watch episode" Cassie answers.

"What is Cassie's favorite brand of shoes" Jimmy says looking at the girl. "I'm always photograph with many different brand of shoes, but if you take a look at my shoes I mainly have converse and vans." Cassie answers. "Why do you like those shoe brands."  Jimmy ask. "I really love vans because they do the different arts like for Halloween they did this horror collection" Cassie tells him. "Question nine. What does Cassie do on her free time" Jimmy reads. "I really enjoy going to the movie with my friends and family. That type of stuff you know" Cassie answers. "Our last question is, what is ur favorite book genre" Jimmy ask. "My favorite have to be romance and fantasy" Cassie answers.

"Well that is all we have for today. Thank you Cassie for coming" Jimmy announced. "Thank you for having me" Cassie smiles. "Is there one thing you would like to tell our audience" Jimmy ask the girl. "Make sure to wach I am not okay with this on Netflix and to keep an eye out for any announcements on my new show" Cassie says waving at the screen.

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