4th of july

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"So are you going to tell me where you got the ring from" Jeremiah ask. "nope" Cassie says popping the P. "please" Jeremiah whines. "still no" Cassie answers as Conrad comes in."Yo, I'm gonna go wash the clams." Conrad says."Did you get the lighter fluid?" Jeremiah questions turning to his brother.  "Yeah, it's already on the beach."Conrad answers as he comes behind his Fiancee. He places a kiss on her head before walking away. "Are we done with the portrait yet?" Steven ask as he and Susannah walks in. Yeah, for today. But you do look good in a dress shirt, Steven." Susannah compliments the boy.

"Uh, which makes me think if Belly doesn't hurry up and ask Cam to that ball, you should take her." Susannah tells the boy. "Ew. No way. No, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm already going with Shayla." Steven replies. "To the debutante ball?"Laurel ask the boy. "Yes.'' Steven answers. "As an escort?" Laurel questions. "Wrap your head around it, Mom, all right? Shayla's coming today with Nicole and Gigi so you'll meet her." Steven tells his mother. "That's wonderful. Oh, and don't forget, Ms. Covington's first dance rehearsal is tomorrow, so, uh, tick-tock." Susannah says.

"I'm asking Cam today." Belly  says  "I don't know my kids anymore." Laurel sighs. "You know, I still don't understand why you invited Dad's girlfriend." Steven says to his mom. "Her name is Victoria, and your father wanted us all to meet her." Laurel says to her kids. "Oh, Belly, I need you to make up the guest bed." Laurel tells her daughter. "Wait, Dad and Victoria are staying here? In the room next to mine?" Belly questions. "Yeah." Laurel confirms and Belly groans. "Oh, speaking of dads, yours called. He's closing a deal, so he can't come." Susannah tells the boy.

"What? Did you say Dad's not coming" Jeremiah ask and Susannah makes a noise of confirmation. "But I got some serious fireworks for the show this year." Jeremiah says. "We'll take a video." Susannah suggest. "It's not the same." Jeremiah says to his mother suggestion. "I know" Susannah says to the boy. What're you smiling over there for?" Jeremiah asks notice the smile on his brother face. "No reason."  Conrad answers. "Laurel, will you come help me move the table?" Susannah tells the girl walking away. ."Be right there." Laurel says following her as theres a knock on the door. "Wonder who that is" Belly says looking at the door.

Cassie gets up, Conrad following and peeks through the door.  She turns to Conrad smiling. "what it is" He questions as Cassie opens the door. "Dad" The girl says hugging the man. Cassie pulls away from the hug and allows her dad to come in. "hey Conrad" Daveed says as they do some type of handshake. "Im gonna go spend time with my dad" Cassie says to the boy. "i'm completely fine with that" Conrad says smiling at the girl. "great" Cassie says giving the boy a quick kiss. 'Come on, I have a bunch of things to tell you" Cassie says grabbing her dad's hand and pulling him off somewhere.

 'Come on, I have a bunch of things to tell you" Cassie says grabbing her dad's hand and pulling him off somewhere

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"I see Conrad proposed" Daveed says and Cassie looks over at her dad with wide eyes. "Yes, I knew helped him pick it out and everything" Daveed says. "Were going to the beach, you coming" Conrad says as he comes to the father daughter. Cassie looks at her dad and he nods. "Ill go hang out with the adults" Daveed" tells the girl. "Bye" Cassie says waving at her dad as She grabs Conrad's hand and they make their way to the beach. "Hey guys" Gigi says as she notice the couple coming. "Hi" Cassie says as Conrad sits down on one of the beach chairs and pulls Cassie on his lap.

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