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"Con" Cassie calls out as she walks into their home. She set her keys down and make her way to their room. "Conrad" Cassie says as she opens the door to see Conrad laying on the bed crying. Cassie slips her shoes off and climbs into the bed. "what's wrong" Cassie whispers to the boy. "its my mom. "I'm sorry" The boy mutters. "why are you sorry," Cassie asks him.
I feel ike im disappointing you" Conrad tells her. "you haven't and you never will," Cassie says. "all I've done is disappoint you, you can tell me the truth you know," Conrad says. "you have not done a single thing to make me disappointed in you. You are one of the strongest people I know, and that's never going to change" Cassie says. "I feel like a burden" Conrad says.

"your not a burden, I want to be here with you, and help you through all this" Cassie says. "your sure" Conrad asks looking at the girl. "Im sure" Cassie says as she grabs his hand and kisses the back of it. "do you want me to do anything" Cassie asks thr boy. "just hold me" Conrad whispers to the girl

The trio walk up to the room, the aunt was supposed to be staying in

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The trio walk up to the room, the aunt was supposed to be staying in. Jeremiah knocks on the door and step back. "Can I help you?" Julia ask as she opens the door.  "Aunt Julia. Oh, my God! Uh, um, Conrad told me you were here. It's-it's been so long. Just wanted to say hi." Jeremiah says hugging his aunt. "Jeremiah." Julia says. "Yeah." Jeremiah said. "And...?" Julia questions looking over at the two girls. "Um, Belly Conklin. Isabel. I'm Laurel Park's daughter, Susannah's best friend" Belly says introducing herself. "you" She says turning to Cassie. "Cassie Fisher, Im Conrad's wife" Cassie tells her. "wife, wow" Julia says shocked.  "It's been so long. You've really got my dad's eyes." Julia says. "Uh, I got these hydrangeas for you from my mom's garden. Oh. I was just wondering if we could have a second to talk" Jeremiah says taking the flowers from Belly.

"is this about the house?" Julia asks "Yeah." Jeremiah says chuckling. "I'm sorry, but I've decided to move ahead with the sale. Actually, we're-we're gonna have an open house tomorrow" Julia tells him. "Oh." Jeremiah says "Um, uh, you have to know how-how much the house means to Jeremiah and Conrad and me and my family. I mean, you spent summers there as a kid, right?" Belly speaks up. "A few, yeah." Julia says. "Yeah. I mean, then, you know, why would you want to let go of such a-a magical place?" Belly asks. "I remember Susannah calling it that" Julia says and Jeremiah nudges Cassie a little. "Conrad and I were realy hoping we could raise our kid in that house" Cassie tells the older women. "im sorry but im still doing this open house, thats not going to change" Julia says.  "You know, I-I don't understand how you can just get rid of something your sister loved so much. I mean, it's kind of a..." Jeremiah syas but is cut off by Julia. "It's not personal." "Yeah, I bet." Jeremiah says at the same time Cassie says "so you skipping your sister's funeral wasn't personal"

"Are you suggesting that I gift the house to you?" Julia asks. "I mean, it is our" "No, no, of course not". "Then I-I think you and your brother should sort this out with your dad. I'm certain that you have the resources, but I can't put off a sale while I wait for you to get your ducks in a row. I have to be back at work in a week. I barely got the time off as it is." Julia informs him. "So that's why you didn't make it to the funeral?" Jeremiah asks. "Something like that." Julia responds and Cassie rolls her eyes "Mom" aA girl says as she joins her mother in the doorway. "Yeah." Julia says turning to face them. "Jeremiah?" They quesstion. "Skye? I-I didn't know you were here. This is Belly. Um, her mom and mine were best friends.  This lovely girl is my sister-in-law. Cassie" Jeremiah says introducing them to the girls. "I thought you were working on the virtual tour for the open house?" Julia asks her child. "Oh, I-I just finished that, so" Skye tells her.

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