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"What are you doing here? Don't you have a class?" Jeremiah asks as he watches his brother come into the house. "Yeah, class got canceled. Thought I'd come see you and Mom" Conrad says taking his jacket off. "Did Mom get the full-size Snickers for Halloween?" Conrad asks and Jeremiah hums out a yes. "You think Mom's insurance is going to accept a sandwich bag full of receipts? 'Cause that's about all I got" Jeremiah says holding up the bag. "I'm sure it'll be fine. If not, we'll figure something out. Cassie might be able to figure this out. She weirdly understands this" Conrad tells him. "So, how's... you know, senior year?" Conrad asks. "It's fine, I guess," Jeremiah answers. "Mom said you got homecoming king," Conrad says leaning on the chair. "Yeah. I mean, the coronation was basically preordained since freshman year." Jeremiah tells him.

"Right. Yeah. So... You take a date?" Conrad asks. "I went with Blake," Jeremiah answers. "Oh, yeah. That's cool. I have just one more question" Conrad says lifting his finger. "shoot," Jeremiah says. "so as you know I'm getting married and I was wondering if you could be my best man," Conrad asks and looks at Jeremiah and waits for there answer. "of course I would," Jeremiahs says smiling at his brother. Jeremiah gets up from his seat and the two brothers hug. "I love you" Conrad whispers to his younger brother. "I love you too," Jeremiahs says as they pull away.

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"All right, you guys, you can throw those canapés on this cart. And I don't think anybody's gonna notice, 'cause they always prep way too much food for deb season anyway." Cam instructs them. "Sounds good to me," Skye says as Cassie passes one to them. "I heard something crazy today. Do you know that guy Liam Meyer? That rich kid from the East Side? I heard he bought a Maserati and then crashed it two days later." Cam says. "Okay, so I know the answer is likely "daddy's money," but, um, how did a kid afford a Maserati?" Skye questions. "Yeah, well, that was a whole other thing, because, uh, his grandparents had, like, this trust fund for him. He got a judge to let him access it a couple of years early. Boom. Maserati" Cam explains causing Conrad and Cassie to be suddenly interested in what they were talking about. "He got a judge involved?" Conrad asks. "Yeah, his parents were pissed," Cam answers and the couple looks at each other. "Cam Cameron, a fountain of gossip. I did not expect that side of you." Skye says "You know, I have layers." Cam says and Skye chuckles.

"Whoa. You guys weren't messing around." Jeremiahs says as the three of them walk into the theater. "Yeah, well, just be careful," Cam says. "Oh, I will. I got it. Don't worry." Jeremiahs says taking one of them from Cam and putting it down. "Hey, have you heard from Taylor and Steven?" Belly asks. "No. I can go look for him." Conrad says. "Yeah, I'll-I'll come with you," Jeremiah tells him. "I have to use the bathroom," Cassie says standing up from her seat and the three of them walk out. "well here's your stop," Jeremiah says as they walk past the bathroom. "I'll see you guys back in the theater," Cassie says walking into the bathroom. Cassie does her business and washes her hand.

She grabs the phone out of her pocket. She goes to her messages and clicks on her dad's messages. The text says "We're staying at the country club rn, Julia had people completely gut the house." She hits send as she makes her way out of the bathroom.

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"I can get it," Belly says as there is a knock on the door. "I don't think you wa-" Conrad says to the girl, but she has already opened the door. The smiles on Cassie's face quickly drop as her and Daveed look at each before looking back at the girl. "what the fu-" They at the same time and Emmy quickly cover their mouth before smiling at the girl. "Cas," Conrad says moving into the doorframe. "Hi Connie," Cassie says smiling at her boyfriend. "come in," Conrad says as he and Belly move out of the way. "tried to warn you," Conrad says quickly defending himself. "Cas, you brought it. I love you so much" Susannah says as she walks into the dining room.

"Anything for my Favorite Fisher" Cassie says smiling at the blonde woman. "You're so fake," Jeremiah says taking a seat.

"Look how amazing this table is. Martha Stewart can kiss my ass." Susannah says setting the turkey down as Cassie sets the dessert down. "I love it when you swear," Laurel says to her best friend. "Uh, uh, "ass" is not swearing. Susannah, say "mοthеrfսckеr," Steven says. "Steven" Laurel says scolding her son. "What? You said you loved it" Steven says "She motherfucking loves it. Everybody sit down, please. The food's getting cold." Susannah says sitting down and everybody follows her lead. "So let's go around the table and everyone say one thing they're thankful for. Jere-bear?" Susannah says winking at her youngest. "Uh, I'll go last. How about that?" Jeremiah says smiling.

"No, he caught me, he caught me putting sugar in his green juice," Susannah says as the table laughs. "Okay, Mom, you're ruining my healthy recipes. It is culinary blasphemy." Jeremiah says "Not ruining. Enhancing." Susannah says. "I forced my dad to get rid of the blinder when you made it for me," Cassie tells him. "she disguised it, by saying you broke it," Daveed says. "all of you guys are such haters," Jeremiah says as the whole table disrupts into a laugher. the green juice is like the moussaka?" Adam says. "Hey, I still say it tastes better with little pieces of hot dog in it." Susannah says "Ooh, Beck, no. If you're going to ruin a recipe, ruin it with steak." Laurel says ad the whole table laughs again.

"When Jere was little, he made these amazing sandwiches. And Conrad... Conrad, whose sandwich-making skills were PB and J at best, he convinced Jere that, uh, crust made your hair curly." Susannah says."Oh, dude, that's right. Because you wanted straight hair." Steven says.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah," Jeremiah confirms and Steven busts out laughing. "So Jere never touched his sandwiches. So Conrad and Cassie would finish them off." Adam says. "we were basically like little mouses scavenging for food," Cassie says. "You got me back, though. Remember when you peed in my lunchbox?" Conrad says. "Yeah, let's not talk about that. Saw my life flash before my eyes" Jeremiah looked directly at Cassie. "you guys had the good stuff meaning that you peed in his lunchbox, I couldn't get those snacks" Cassie says quickly explaining herself.

"girls you gotta come up here, Beck found a bunch of 90s clothes she wants you girls to try on," Laurel says leaning over the railway. "I still haven't gotten through the last batch of Susannah's baby tees," Belly says. "Cas is still going through those jeans. She physically forces me to have fashion shows with them" Conrad tells them. "There's a lot of plaids. And ratty Oasis T-shirts she stole from me!" Laurel says. "Don't listen to her. This stuff is gold" Susannah shouts and the two girls laugh before heading up the stairs. "honestly, I'm so surprised Cassie stayed calm Jeremiah says. "I guess the grudge is kinda breaking," Conrad says. "someone needs to teach that girl how to hold grudges longer than four months," Jeremiah says and Conrad laughs. "now come on Steven should have the Wii set up by now," Conrad tells his brother before heading off into the direction of the room Steven is in and Jeremiah follows him.

 "now come on Steven should have the Wii set up by now," Conrad tells his brother before heading off into the direction of the room Steven is in and Jeremiah follows him

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Author notes: Bro you guys make me so happy, with the comments about how much you enjoy my book. It literally lights my day

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