Deb tea party

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"Hey." Belly and Cassie say at the same time and the other girls greet them back. "I told my mom the only way I would do this is if I could bring my girlfriend, 'cause I thought it would be a deal killer, but the club has been surprisingly chill about the whole thing." Marisa a girl at the table says. "I'm honestly shocked." Another girl says. "Literally, Dara, I was expecting a conversion camp to spring out of the bushes. No. Lesbians and debutantes are, like a completely juxtaposing idea. Opposites." Marisa continues. Yeah, but Cousins likes to pretend to be woke. Trust me. My family deals with it constantly. The things we do for college applications. It's insane." Nicole, the girl Conrad took to the Deb Ball last year says. "Don't worry, Marisa. You'll get in everywhere." She later says.

"Wait. Where are you applying?" Belly asks Marisa. "You know, the usual. Every Ivy minus Cornell." Marisa answers with a shrug and then asks Belly "What about you?" "Oh, Belly's only a Sophmore Righ. I think that's what Conrad told me." Nicole says which causes both Belly and Cassie to look at each other and then back at Nicole. "Yeah, I-I'll be a junior in the fall," Belly confirms. "So what about, are you going to college? you being famous and all" Nicole then asks Cassie. "Nope," She answers before continuing. "In all honesty, I just don't feel like parting from my parents just yet" "So, is this your first summer here in Cousins?" Gigi ask the one who was with Jeremiah.

"No, I've been coming here for my entire life." Belly answers "Yeah, she's, like, family friends with Conrad and Jeremiah." Nicole says and Cassie leans over to belly and whispers. "wanna count how many times she gonna say Conrad's name" and Belly chuckles a little. "Uh, so are you and Jeremiah like, a-a thing, or are you gonna take him to the ball?" Gigi asks Belly. "Um" Belly says unsure how to answer the question she was given. "Oh, my God, back off, Geeg." Nicole tells Gigi. "No, but Cassie is taking Conrad" Belly says trying to take the spotlight off her. Cassie glares at belly and she whispers a little sorry to the girl. "So are you and Conrad dating" Shayla ask. "Yep, two years" Cassie answers.

"Didn't he take Nicole to the ball last year tho" Gigi asks. "I know" Cassie says "well there goes your chance Nicole" Gigi says and the whole table laughs while Nicole and Cassie just stare a each other. "Akward" Belly mutters as there is a cling and Paige starts to speak. "Hello, debutantes." and the whole table faces the woman.

Cassie opens the door to Conrad's room and falls face front on the bed

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Cassie opens the door to Conrad's room and falls face front on the bed. "That bad" Conrad ask as he lies next to the girl. "I meet Nicole" She tells him laying on her side so she can face him. "was she bad" Connrad questions putting his hand on her check. "No, but Gigi said something really interesting." She says. "and what was it" He questions. "Something like there goes your chance" She answers. "Im going to sleep" She says as she starts to close her eyes. "why don't you change first." Conrad says. The girl gets up and picks out outfit from the bottom drawer. She changes and then lays back on the bed. "Ill get you when were leaving" Conrad tells the girl and she just nods.

Belly knocks on the door and Conrad tells her to come in. "Is Cas up I knew she said she was going to go sleep as soon as we get her, but I just need het to help with something" Belly ask Conrad. "No, she is knocked out" Conrad tells the girl. "Oh, ok" She says closing the door. "Come one baby wake up" Conrad says shaking his girlfriend. "its time to go" Conrad says and the girls yawns as she sits up. Conrad grabs her hand and pulls her off of the bed. "here" Conrad says handing x her a piece of gum and she puts it in her mouth. Cassie walks over to the bathroom before splashing water onto her face and wiping it off. "You ready" Conrad ask her and she nods.

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