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"we need to talk" Conrad says pulling the girl to the side before they walk in. 'Whats up" Cassie replies. "Belly kissed me last night" Conrad says. "oh, well did you kiss back" Cassie ask. "no" He answers. "did you pull away, quick" She questions again. "Yes" Conrad says "then I don't see a problem between us" Cassie tells the boy as she grabs his hand and pulls him into the room. "Just follow my lead" Conrad whispers to the girl as they start the dance.

Conrad watches as Cassie looked over at belly as she comes in."Don't focus on her, look at me" Conrad says turning her head back to face him. "Im so bad at this'' Cassie says starting to become frustrated. "Don't worry, it'll come to you soon." Conrad encourages the girl. The couple kept working on getting the dance right until Jeremiah decides to play a song. The couples watches as everyone crowds around him as he dances. "Thats your brother" Cassie tells the boy looking at him. The boy turns to her and playfully rolls his eyes.

"What is going on here?" Paige says as she walks into the room. "Alexa, stop." She says and the music shuts off. ''Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool?" Paige ask the boy. "We had a "code brown."Jeremiah tells the lady. "ew" some girl says. "Yeah, we lost the keys to the chemical closet." Jeremiah continues. "There you go." Paige says handing him the keys. "Thanks.Catch ya later, Bells." Jeremiah says as he leaves the room.

"Get going, Jeremiah." Paige tells the boy. "All right, everyone, let's try that again...this time, without the theatrics." Paige says. "your brother is something else" Cassie says to her boyfriend. "I know" Conrad says smiling at the girl and she smiles back.

"hey guys whats going on" Cassie says as she walks into the kitchen to see Susannah and Laurel snaking on a bunch of food

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"hey guys whats going on" Cassie says as she walks into the kitchen to see Susannah and Laurel snaking on a bunch of food. "Come one" Susannah says grabbing the girls hand and pulling her with them. "So, Cas when is the wedding" Laurel ask as she shoves food into her mouth. "we just got engaged like two days ago" Cassie tells the girl. "pause you guys are engaged' Susannah says shocked. "I thought you knew " Cassie says. "obviously not" Laurel says. "well im going out back" Cassie tells the two women.

"your moms are high" Cassie says to Belly and Jeremiah. "for real" Jeremiah ask. "yep, bunch of food is out" Cassie says. "come one" Jeremiah says grabbing Cassie and Belly hands and dragging them inside. "Our beautiful babies! Oh, look at them! Mmm." Susannah exclaims as they come into the kitchen. "Mm, you, come with me. I got to get you while the light's still good." Susannah says grabbing Jeremiah and and dragging him outside.

"did you know Cas and Connie are engaged" Susannah says as she continues to paint. "no I didn't" Jeremiah says shocked. "I know, I was shocked when I found out too, well not really because it was bound to happen, but still" Susannah rants and Jeremiah just rants. Susannah continues to paint, then she looks up at her son. "Oh. Oh. My boy. Look at you! Oh, this light is beautiful. Can you feel it? Can you feel the softness?" Susannah says. "I can feel it." Jeremiah says laughing. "Oh, my God. I just want to dance with you." Susannah tells the boy.

"Dance with me?" Susannah ask and Jeremiah does just that. "Oh, my little boy." "Jeremiah, please save me! My mom wants to braid my hair!" Belly says as she runs outsider and they laugh. "Oh, you're such a good friend to Belly. Like a brother. " Susannah says to the boy. "All right, enough with the commentary, Mom. Let's see the art." Jeremiah says as they go to look at the canvas. "What do you think? I think it might be my best work." Susannah says.

"Belly, Cas" Jeremiah calls out. The people who were currently in the house were now crowding around the painting. "Ah, it's, um..." Belly says trying to find words to say. "Picasso and Jackson Pollock had a baby." Laurel says. "What? Oh, my God,it's terrible!" Susannah says as she looks at the painting and the group laughs. "It's so bad!" Susannah continues.

"See, this is why old people should not do drugs." Jeremiah says. "How dare you! Outraged!" Susannah says slapping Jeremiah's arm. "Let's leave these brats and go walk on the beach." Susannah tells the Laurel. "I need my sweater." Laurel says as the start to walk away.

"can we talk" Belly ask Cassie. "about what he fact, you kissed my boyfriend" Cassie says. "im gonna go" Jeremiah says slowly backing up. "im so sorry, really" Belly says. "its just the guy I liked forever suddenly gets a girlfriend" Belly says. "so that gives you the right to kiss him" Cassie ask as se crosses her arms. "no" Belly says, "i cant talk about this right now" Cassie says turning around and walking into the house.

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