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"what are you doing" Jeremia asks sitting next to his older brother. "thinking" Conrad answers. "you forgot to add over at the beginning," Jeremiah tells him. "what do you mean" Conrad questions. "you do this thing were you just dose off and people can obviously tell when ur thinking really hard about something that doesn't need to be thought about" Jeremiah says. "so what are you thinking about" Jeremiah adds. "it's not something you need to worry about" Conrad says grabbing the cans of pop and moving to get off the bench. "it seems like it" Jeremiah says bringing the boy back on the bench.

"It's just what if I'm not good enough for Cassie or our kid," Conrad says looking at Jeremiah. "Cassie decided to marry you and have your kid, if you weren't good enough she wouldn't have decided to do any of those things," Jeremiah says. "I just get this weird feeling that I'm going to end up like dad" Conrad says "You are a completely different person from dad, you're not even close to him. Don't start stressing yourself over this type" Jeremiah says. Conrad looks at the boy and Jeremiah sees the boy's eyes watering. Jeremiah quickly pulls the boy into a hug. "it's okay, you're going to be a great father" Jeremiah comforts feeling Conrad's arms tighten around him.

"wake up, we brought food back" Jeremiah whispers to Cassie gently shaking her. "What type," Cassie asks. vending machine food" Conrad answers tossing belly something. "Uh, fair warning, we have no idea how long those have been in the vending machine, so... "Jeremiah wants the two. "Yeah, all right, I'm good." "I'm just going to throw it back up" "What side do you want?" Conrad asks his brother for a sheet. "Uh, I'll take this side," Jeremiah says pointing to the right. "Oh, you guys should sleep in the There are two of you. I can sleep on the floor." Belly says. "girl, one of them is still going to have to sleep on the floor" Cassie says turning to face the girl. "No, take it. Ladies first." Jeremiah says "Yeah... normally, I'd argue, on principle, 'cause what does me being a girl have to do with not sleeping on the floor? But I definitely saw a roach earlier, so have at it, boys" Belly says slipping under the covers.

"night bells," Jeremiah says as Conrad turns off the light. "Good night," Belly says back. After minutes of twisting and turning Belly hears Conrad's voice. "Belly" Conrad whispers. "yeah," Belly says. "can you give me Cassie's hand." Conrad asks her. "uh, sure," Belly says gently moving the girl's hand so the boy can hold it.

"There's my favorite Fisher" Cassie says smiling at the woman as she walks into her room

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"There's my favorite Fisher" Cassie says smiling at the woman as she walks into her room. "there's my favorite nepo baby," Susannah says back as Cassie sits next to the woman she viewed as a mother figure. "what's been going on," Susannah says putting her hand on the girl's hand. "nothing really, I've just been going baby shopping most of the time," Cassie says playing with Susannah's fingers. "you know, I'm not going to be here for the birth of my first grandchild, but I'm glad I was here for you and Connie's wedding," Susannah says. "oh honey," Susannah says bringing her hand up to the girls check noticing tears rolling done the girl's face.

"I don't think I can do this without you," Cassie tells the older woman. "Cass I don't want to live, but my time has come," Susannah says "But why does it have to be now," Cassie says. Susannah lies done and pulls Cassie with her. "I don't know sweetheart and I wish I can stay longer," Susannah says. "I'm going to miss having you around," Cassie says "You have all these people around you to support you when I'm gone," Susannah says. "sometimes I feel like I can't show emotions anymore" Cassie confesses. "you don't have to suffer in silence, cases. People have gone through what you've gone through, I don't want to see you suffering because of me" Susannah says hugging the girl closer. "I want you to take care of yourself, okay," Susannah says kissing the girl's cheek.

"morning," Conrad says walking out of the bathroom, as Cassie rubs her eyes

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"morning," Conrad says walking out of the bathroom, as Cassie rubs her eyes. "morning," Cassie says sitting up. Cassie goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth. "So what's the plan," Cassie asks. "um, I think we are going to go back to the beach house fix some things up, and then go back to the apartment and pack up" Conrad answers. "why not just pack the apartment up first," Cassie asks. "the summer house is going to be quicker than the apartment, so I think we should do this first" Conrad says. "that makes sense," Caasie says as she finishes brushing her teeth and washing her face. "Breakfast?" Jeremiah says he and Belly walk into the motel room. "what did you get" Cassie asks going looking in the bag. "No, we were just about to... head out. The front desk said there's a bus at 8:30. we're gonna go back to Cousins." Conrad says. "A-Are you sure? 'Cause, you know, I have to go back and swap cars anyway." Jeremiah says "You can just take my car. I'll get your car back to Boston. It's no biggie." Conrad tells him. "See you guys at the Fourth of July?" Conrad questions. "Yeah, I'll be there." Jeremiah says "Yeah. I, uh... I wouldn't miss Susannah's favorite holiday." Belly says. "well then see you guys," Cassie says as Conrad grabs her hand and they make their way out of the room.

"you ready for this long trip" Conrad questions the girl as they make their way to the bus stop. "no," Cassie says. "well prepare for it," Conrad says as they get onto the bus.

 "well prepare for it," Conrad says as they get onto the bus

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Conrad and Cassie make their way inside the summer house. "I'll paint over these random things on the wall, and you can start unpacking the rooms the light stuff only though," Conrad says pointing at the girl. "Got it captain," Cassie says as movers come into the house bringing in boxes. Cassie walks up the stairs and walks into the first one, which happens to be Belly's. Most of the furniture was already placed in the room. Cassie takes things out of the box and places them where she thinks they were from memory. After an hour Cornad comes into the room with a bag. "Breakfast here," Conrad says. "good cause I'm starving," Cassie says taking the bag as they go back downstairs to sit in the kitchen. "What," Cassie says after catching Conrad staring at her, while she was eating. "I love you," Conrad says. "I love you too," Cassie says smiling up at him.


"so what if we put her crib here," Cassie says sitting down on the bed and pointing to a spot in the room. "That could work," Conraqd says sitting next to the girl. "you know I'm glad I'm doing this with you," Cassie says smiling at the boy. "wouldn't want to do it with any other person," Conrad says smiling back. Cassie brings the boy into a kiss and the boy immediately kisses back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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