Chapter 9

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I quickly looked back to see what was the commotion . I seen Gina's car parked on the side of the side and her running the opposite direction of me. Before I jumped out the car I parked it and ran towards her.

I thank the lord that it wasn't her. A nigga almost had a heart attack. She was holding a bloody body as tears streamed down her face.

" Gina baby what happened??" I squated down to her and the person covered in blood.

" Can you please call 911?" She said in between sobs.

I stepped away from the sence and done what she asked. Less then 10 mins the ambulance came rushing to their side. Regina threw her arms around me and let her tears wet me shirt.

" baby did you know who that was?" It took her a minute to answer.

" yes.." Her grip tightened on me.

" It was Chris... I don't know why they were shooting at him"

More tears streamed down her face. The ambulance took Chris away on the stretcher . I took her face into my hands and kissed her lips a few times.

" I think imma go home.." She said wiping her face. Without another word she pulled away from my grip and walked to her car . I did the same and drove home in silence.


I got home and ran straight to my room before anyone could say anything to me. I can't believe what I witnessed . Out of all people it was Chris..

I ran a hot bubble bath and threw away the dirt filled bloody clothes. As I waited for the tub to fill up to a certain level, questions started to pop up in my head. Why wasn't he in school? We've known each other for about a month and pretty much know everything about each other. But apparently not if he was speeding down the streets and people shooting at him..

I checked on the water and turned it off, I sunk my body into the hot water. My eyes closed as my body started to relax muscle by muscle.
My phone rung but I continue to ignore it but whoever it was wouldn't stop calling. Peace came in mind until my phone went off again. I looked at the caller, it was August trying to face time. I clicked green button to answer.

" you ok baybeh?" He spoke into the camera.

" yea.. I'm fine" I spoke softly looking into the camera.

" you in the tub? Show me some titties" he blurred out. Which made me laugh.

" I'm not showing you anything August"

"Pleeaasee " he tired doing the puppy dog eyes.

Giggles escaped my mouth before I said anything . " okay fine.."

I lowered the camera little just to show my upper half quickly.

" man stop playin baby!" His voice grew husky.

"One day you'll get the full thing baby" I sat my phone on the toilet so he wouldn't see my naked nobody.

"Why am I lookin at a ceiling ?" I heard his voice say.

"Because I'm changing and I don't want you to see me" I peeked into the camera.

" you mean fa dat, you said imma see it one day and today could be that day"

I rolled my eyes and pulled a big t shirt over my head before grabbing my phone.

" I'm going to bed Auggy" I said while climbing into my queen size bed.

" ight baby goodnight , I'll see you tomorrow at schoo"

I blew him a kiss before hanging up and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


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This chapter sucked. Sorry.

Principal Alsina  (August Alsina)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt