Chapter 31

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A Few Days later


Its been a couple of days since I've talked and seen August. Honestly, I've been a bit more happy since I've seen him. Adon doesn't know he came over and I'm not planning on telling him.

Dallyn went with August as he finished off the last few shows on his tour. Therefore I have the house to myself. I rarely had the house to myself because I'm usually taking care of my daughter.

I decided to run a warm bubble bath for myself. After letting it run for a few minutes, I stopped the water and undressed. Before sinking into the water, I added a dark pink bath bomb just for fun. Sighing softly, I leaned against the bathtub wall and slid down farther into the water.

Shortly after I closed my eyes, my phone and the doorbell went off at the same time. Swiftly getting out of the tub , I looked down at my phone seeing August name appear.

"Yes August?". I tried to make it to the door into at the same time I tied my bathrobe.

"That's how you answer me now?"

"Umm. Hold on"

I opened the door to see a man holding a dozen white roses. I looked at them confused until he spoke.

"These are from a Mr. Alsina?"

I smirked and took them from the man. "Thank you". I closed the door and took the roses to the kitchen.

"Mr. Alsina did you send roses to my house?"

"Maybe I did". I heard him smiling

"Thank you. That was sweet of you". I sat the roses in the middle of the island and fixed them up at bit.

"My plea-"

Hearing the doorknob jiggle. I had no choice but to end the call with August because I knew that was Adon at the door.

"Baby!". He shouted from the living room.

"I'm in here." I peeked my head out and smiled. Adon walked over to me and snaked his strong arms around my waist kissing my cheek.

"Your cheek is lookin better or do you have make up over it?"

"I guess its healing.."

He let me out of the grip and rambled through the refrigerator.

"You ain't cook?"

I shook my head no and watched him pill open a yogurt cup.

"Why not? Your supposed to have dinner ready for me when I get over here". His force deepening, informing me he was getting upset.

"Well I was busy cleaning... and". I was cut off by his hand tightening around my throat.

"I don't care about what you was doin. You do as I say!". His eyes stared intensely into mine. I felt  his tighten even more around my throat, slowly shortening my breathing. All I could do is nod and pray that he'll let go soon.

"Now make me a cheeseburger, don't put no pickles on it neither.". He let go of my neck causing me to drop to the floor wheezing for air.


" How'd you like the show baby?". I held sleepy Dallyn in my arms .

"It was okay". I looked at her comment and got on the tour bus.

"Little one asleep again?". Big T questioned as he sat down .

"Yeah, she dun had a long day"

"Gina gon kill you for getting her all those toys"

"Right. If I don't make it home tonight..". I sung and we both laugh.

I took Dallyn to the back and laid her in the bed. I soon crawled in , wrapping my arms around her small body.

"Tell ya mama that I love ya, leave some flowers for my daughter...if I don't make it home tonight"

I sung gently into Dallyn's ear and brushed my thumb against your soft cheek. Looking down at her peaceful face, I kisses her cheek a few times.

"My lil baby so precious"

Laying in bed in silence. I thought back before the show when I called Regina. I was happy she received the roses I bought for her. But I was caught off guard when she randomly hung up on me. She's been acting different lately and I ain't likin that shit at all. I not gon rush her into telling me anything, definitely if she don't want to. I still respect her and her privacy.

Its 11:50 pm and I wasn't tired at all, which is surprising cause I'm usually knocked out a few hours after a show. I decided to call Regina again but it went straight to voicemail. Tomorrow night is the last show in Massachusetts. Ion know what city I be in as usual but Imma have to do a pop up on Gina when we get back home.

I was about to turn my phone off for the night until I had an in coming FaceTime from Gina and answered it.

"Aug...". She whispered into the phone. She background was dark as if she was hiding. I can see her focusing on something as tears ran down her cheeks.

"GET THE FUCK OUT HER REGINA". A man voice yelling angrily on her end.

My heart began to pound rapidly from one hearing a nigga voice and two for yelling for her.

"What da fuck is goin on Gina!"

She looked down at her camera and placed her hand over her mouth. The background was silent for a good 5 minutes.

"August I need-"

Before she could say another word, she was snatched from her hiding spot. She screamed and tried to fight back at whoever the man was. Her phone dropped, leaving it facing the ceiling. The only thing that was heard was his faint yelling and Regina's screams from a distant.

I ran to the front of the bus and told the driver to drive to Atlanta instead. I told T to call my manager to let everyone including the fans, that the show will be rescheduled for another time. This shit got me thinking I'm in some lifetime movie..


- sorry for errors

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