Chapter 28

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2 Years Later


"Dallyn are you ready to go see daddy?"

I walked into her playroom seeing her put her toys in her ben.

"Yes mommy!". She jumped up and ran out the room.

August and I decided it was best that we stay apart and co-parent. He's allowed to see her whenever he wants. Its been some weeks since she's seen him because he started touring for his album 'Testimony'. Now he as a few days off before heading back on the road.

" Mommy will daddy give me another unicorn? I want another unicorn." Dallyn asked as we walked out to my car.

"Maybe he will baby". I strapped her into her carseat and tickled her little belly. Hearing her cute giggles made me smile.

Getting into the drivers seat, I turned on the AC and turned up the volume on the radio, just to hear Dallyn's favorite song Work by Rihanna.

"Work! Work! Work!". I laughed at her because those were the only words she knew. I backed out of the drive way and headed to the direction of August's house.

Arriving 20 minutes later. I took Dallyn out of her carseat and let her run up to the front door. She tried knocking with her little fist but of course August didn't hear it.

" Lets knock at the same time and see if he'll answer. Okay?". She nodded her head and started knocking, I banged on the door with her.

"Daddy! Daddy! Let me innn"


I threw on some sweatpants on due to hearing banging at my first door.

"I'm coming!". I jogged to the front door and opened it. To my surprise, I see Regina and my gorgeous daughter Dallyn still hitting the screen door.

Opening the door, I quickly picked up my daughter smothering her with my kisses. Her little giggles filled the room.

"I missed you so much love bug!"

"I missed you too daddy!". She wrapped her smile arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.

"What's up gorgeous?". I smiled and kissed Gima on the forehead. "How you doin?". I closed the door behind her before walking to the living room.

"I've been are you? I heard the tour is going well?". She sat her purse down on the couch before taking a seat.

"Things been coo, you know. Sold out shows..". Awkward silence filled he room until Dallyn spoke.

"No unicorn?" She pouted her lips.

"I bought you five unicorns already baby girl"

"No".she shook her head. "I have three daddy"

"What happened to your other too?". I raised my eyebrows in curiosity.

"Some how she mess places them". Gina spoke up.

"Ight. I promise we'll get move Unicorns tomorrow. Deal?". I wrapped my pink around hers.

"Mhm!". She climbed off of me and ran towards my dog Cheno, who ran away from here.

Looking over at Regina, seeing how focused she was on Dallyn and Cheno. Facially she hasn't changed much. She looks sexy with long hair, which was odd because she hates to wear her hair long. I've noticed her body developed more after giving birth to our daughter...wide hips, breast grew more,fuller thighs. I found myself lusting over her. Quickly snapping out of it, I decided to start up a conversation.

"How's school goin?". She looked at me and smiled a bit.

"I um...haven't went back to school since I had Dallyn. I've decided to get into modeling actually."

"You have the perfect face and body for it. Ion see why not". Gina looked down at her hands, her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Thank you August"

Her phone went off in her purse, she search for it quickly and left the living room. I don't see why she couldn't answer it in front of me.

"Come here Cheno!". I called for him, with no hesitation he ran and jumped on my lap.

"He don't like no more daddy!". Dallyn whined and climbed on the couch, sitting next to me.

"He gotta be gently with him sweetheart. He don't like his tail being pulled"


"Hey babe!"

I left the living room and walked outside to August's background to answer my call from Adon. We've been dating for a few months now. August doesn't know and he hasn't met Dallyn yet. I would like to introduce Adon and August soon, since he will be around more often.

"Where you at? I see you ain't at home"

"I'm at August house right now". I sat down in one of the many lawn chairs by the pool.

"For what? Ain't he on tour?". I can hear the annoyance in his voice.

"He's on break and Dallyn wanted to see him. I can't keep her away from her father Adon"

"Why can't you have somebody else drop her off there? You don't need to be around him Regina."

"Why can't I be around him? He's the father of my daughter. We already talked about this!"

Adon doesn't want me around August because he's afraid I'm going to catch feelings for him again. My feelings for Aug will always be there and I hope its the same for me...

"I want you home now. Ight?"

"I'll be home when its time for me to go. I'm not some little kid with a curfew.". I huffed in frustration and hung up.

-sorry for errors

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