Chapter 29

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I drove home and let Dallyn stay at her father's house. When I arrived, Adon's car was parked in the drive way. I sighed, knowing he's going to start an argument. I used my key to get into my house.

When I walked into the house, all the lights were off. I hate being in complete dark, so I turned on the lamps in the living room and the light in the kitchen, walking into my bedroom. Adon laid in the bed watching a basketball game.

"Hey..". I walked around to where he was, leaned over and kisses his warm lips.

"What's good?". He said without taking his eyes off the tv.

I rolled my eyes,took off my jacket and hung it up in the closet. As I turned around, I found myself being slapped against the wall. Looking up at Adon with his fist balled up.

"What the hell Adon!". I touched my stinging cheek.

"I told you about being around that nigga. Didn't I?". He looked down at me talking in a harsh tone.

I slowly stood up my spot still covering my abused cheek. "And didn't I tell you I wasn't! Grow the fuck up!". I tried to make my way to the bathroom, but was snatched up by my shirt and thrown against the wall.

"You listen to me! Ion got time to be looking after you like a lil girl cause you don't know how to obey. When I telling you something, you do it!"

I had my eyes closed the whole time he yelled in my face. My back began aching along with my cheek. I didn't bother saying anything because I didn't want to be hit or thrown around again. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked into his empty eyes and nodded. He eventually let me go.

With tears streaming down my face,I grabbed my night clothes and hurried to the bathroom. I cried silently as I stood in the hot shower, cleaning my body slowly. My phone vibrated against the sink, looking at the screen. August picture popped up for FaceTime. I shook my head and ignored it.

After taking a hot shower, my body felt a little better. I looked in the mirror to see the redness on my cheek slowly turning dark red. I'll just have to put some make up over it tomorrow. I walked out the bathroom with my silk pajamas on and crawled in bed. Adon was sound asleep by now. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face into his neck.

"You good?". He mumbled into my ear.


He brought my face to his and kisses my lips gently and smiled. I smiled back and laid my head on his chest.


Regina left a few hours ago without giving me a legitimate reason. But she said Dallyn can stay over. Which I was happy about, I've been messing out on her left because I have to travel so much. I was planning on asking Gina if I could take Dallyn to a few cities with me, maybe 2 or 3.

"I'm tired". Dallyn whined and rubbed her eyes. I picked her up and carried her to the room she had here. Decorated in purple and green.

"Goodnight princess". I tucked her into bed and kisses her forehead. I turned on the little lamp next to her bed because she doesn't like the dark. She shortly fell asleep with her mouth slightly open.

I walked out her room and cracked the door and walked down the hall to my bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the covers.

I didn't have much to do, so I decided to FaceTime Regina to make sure she made it home safe. After four rings of her not picking up, I hung up the phone and placed it on my nightstand. Reaching for my remote, I changed the channel of my tv and put it on Practical Jokers and watched it for the rest of the night.

Make sure you read my new back Average Love and leave comments on it!

-sorry for errors  

Principal Alsina  (August Alsina)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt