Chapter 30

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I woke up early to fix Dallyn and I some breakfast. French toast with bacon and eggs and a fruit cup on the side.

"Good morning daddy"

I looked down after sitting our plates on the table. "Good morning princess". After giving her my morning kisses, I helped her into her high chair.

"Apple juice?". She questioned because her juice wasn't on the table.

"After you eat your food. You know you get full from your drinks".

She nodded her head and dipped her French toast in the syrup. As I took a piece of bacon in my mouth, my phone rung.

"Hey Aug..." A smile spread across my face as I heard Regina's voice.

"Good morning beautiful. What's up?"

"Can you bring Dallyn over whenever you're ready? Please"

I nodded my head as if she could see me. "Yeah, I can after she eats breakfast. Is that coo with you?"

"Yes, that's perfectly fine. Thank you"

I knew the conversation was about to end but I didn't want it to. I barely get to hear her soft voice now a days.

"I called ya yesterday and you ain't answer a nigga". I chuckled a bit

"Oh yeah..I was meaning to call you back but I forgot"

"I'm on my way now"

Dallyn finished her food quickly because she wanted that apple juice. I stood up from my seat and grabbed her bottle filled with Apple juice from the refrigerator. I was about to speak to Regina but the line went dead.

I carried Dallyn to my Range Rover and strapped her in the carseat I always kept in here. Shortly after, I adjusted myself in the driver seat and drove out of the black gates.


August arrives at Regina's home after the sing a long him and Dallyn had along the way. He unstrapped her from the carseat and walked to the front door , ringing the doorbell. Not to long after Regina answered opened the door, giving them room to walk in.

"Hey". Regina looked up at August with a toothless smile.

Without hesitation. August pulled her into a tight warm hug. He knew something was wrong but he didn't want to interfere. Gina broke down crying in his arms, cringing on to his shirt as she cried heavily. August took her over to the couch so they could take a seat. Not once did he let her go.

He had no clue what could have went wrong in less than 24 hours. Biting his tongue from saying anything, he ran his long fingers through her hair slowly which calmed her now a bit. They both made eye contact with each other, reading what's on each other's mind.

"You coo babe?". August used his thumb to wipe away Regina's tears. She nodded her head slowly before placing it on his chest.

"I miss you..." She whispered loud enough just for the two of them to hear. Regina looked up at August once again with a weak smile.

"I miss you too"
Side note: Adon is not at Regina's house. He left for work before August came.

They kissed each other hungrily after craving each other's touch for years. Regina straddled August's lap as her lips traveled across his strong jawline slowly. August used his masculine hands to cup Regina's behind from underneath her silky royal blue robe. Soft moans escaped her lips filling up August ear. Her hands rubbed against his chest beginning to pull it over his head.


Dallyn ran into the living room, making Regina jump off of August lap and fix her robe.

"Hey baby..". Regina picked her up and kisses her cheek. "You been good for daddy?"

"Of course". She smiled innocently and played in her mother's hair.


I held Dallyn on her hip, giving my attention to August who was now standing up.

" Say bye to daddy munchkin"

Dallyn reached over for Aug, he took her into his arms as they shared kisses. "Bye daddy. Love you!". She wiggled out of his arms and ran off.

I looked up at him and caressed his cheek. "I'll talk to you later. Okay?"

His tongue glided slowly against his bottom lip before he spoke. "Yeah..let me know if he need anything Gina". His soft plump lips kissed my forehead before he walked out the door.


- sorry for errors

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