Chapter 23

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Its finally the last day of school! I've been waiting for this day to come. Its time for me to be on my own and start my life. I'm ready for the challenges. How bad can things really get when you're following your dreams? I understand I have to leave my loved ones behind, but you have to take risks in life. Right?

All the Seniors that are graduating filled up the seats in the auditorium. August appeared on stage, taking the mic from the stand. A few girls whistled and hollered at him. If only they knew who he really belonged to!

" Good Morning soon to be graduates!" He yelled excitedly into the mic, getting everybody hyped.

" Congratulations on making this far... Congrats for completing your high school years. I am proud of every one of you ya hear' me?. I might not have been here long but I learned a lot from yall. Whatever you have planned for the future, make it happen. Don't let nobody! Tell you no. You all have a break future. Don't let anything or anyone get in your way because there will be bumps and hills along da way. You guys are young adults na' so ya mommas can't whoop you no mo' ".

Everybody laughed and gave him an applause.

"But seriously take control of your life. Its your chance because if you don't . Somebody else will. See yall tomorrow night @ 7:30!".

With that he walked off the stage. Everybody was clearing out to go home. I stayed put in my seat, thinking about August wise words. To be honest... I am a little scared to go out on my own. I will be attending the same school with a few other students but we still will be going our separate ways.

" Are you all right gina?". To my surprise it was Chris.

"Uh yea I'm great.. Just thinking "

" you wanna talk about it?". He found a spot beside me.

" I'm kinda afraid to go out into the world on my own..ya know? Definitely the dancing world. I heard they can be harsh and everything "

"Well as Principal Alsina said don't let nobody stop you from going after your dream. "

I gave him a toothless smile before getting up." Thanks.. I'll see you tomorrow?"

" yes ma'am ". We shared a hug before departing.


Gina was laying on top of me being very quiet. I don't have any idea about what's wrong with her when all she says is " Its nothing". She will be flying out in two weeks. I want to make memories with her before both of our lives change for the better. I have been thinking alot about us... I know a long distance relationship won't work. I will be moving to Atlanta and she will be in Miami.

Her embrace tightened around me. I looked down at her to see tears running down her cheeks then hitting my bare chest.

"Talk to me Regina. I can't make things okay if I don't know anything."

"You can't fix anything August!" She yelled through her sobs.

" I am going to be on my own for once! I'm fuckin scared okay? I won't have anybody. Nick doesn't talk to me anymore! You will be somewhere else. My parents.. I don't even know anymore. All of this is starting to be to much before it even started.."

Sighing deeply, I whipped away every tear that came down her now red cheeks.

" I understand honestly... I was in your shoes before. You will have many great opportunities down there. Don't let fear discourage you Baby. I might not be there physically but you know I will always be a phone call away or even face time"

She just stared at me, taking in every feature of mine.

"August... Make love to me please?". Her puffy red eyes filled with lust.

I turned the lights off. The only light we had was the moon shining through the window. All through the night her moans were the only noise heard.

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- sorry for errors

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