Chapter 3

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The next day
Monica POV
I was walking in the halls as I saw Peter looking a little suspicious....
As closed his locker as I was there
" where are you going Parker?" I said
" oh no where.." he said
" you sure your acting a little suspicious?" I said
" looks like your hiding something like if your Spider-Man? Are you?" I said
" what no..." Peter said
" I'm just messing with you" I said
As he rolled his eyes
" so do you have any plans today?" I asked
" no why?" He said
" just asking" I said
" do you want to go the theater with me?" I asked randomly
" sure." He said
" good.." I said
" well I got to go then" I said
" I see you later" I said
As I walked out the school
And just went for a small walk
As I was at the store just grabbing a drink
As I heard yelling
I turn around seeing this guy having these weapons attacking everyone
My whole body just completely turn invisible
As I had a small plan I just used my telekinesis to take the weapon out of his hands as I went behind him just sneaking up as I place my hand on his head just controlling him....
I just looked up seeing something flying
What the hell was that
I just looked over the bridge seeing Peter walking
" Peter.."I said
As they grabbed him
"PETER!" I shouted
As I swing across the bridge
Trying to find him
" PETER" I shouted
As I couldn't find him
He said
As appeared as Spider-Man
Yes I knew this whole time he was Spider-Man
" he's my friend" I said
" and who  are you random stranger?" I said sarcastically
" you don't recognize the face" he said
" oh no not with that mask.." I said
As we
Just swinging across the the moon
And landed in the clock tower
I look over seeing him bleeding
" you okay?" I asked
" yeah I'm fine don't worry..." he said
As he turn around and it sounded if he was crying...
Classic Peter Parker.....
" let me just check it" I said
" no it's fine" he said
" I think I should get going" he said
" your injured" I said
" it's fine I really have to get going I have a date" He said
" a date?" I said
" yeah" he said
" oh.." I said
He thinks we're having a date.... I mean it could be....

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