Chapter 96

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Monica POV
We both pulled away just looking at each......
" I think I'm go inside..." I said
" yeah I'm just stay here for a bit..." he said
" okay..." I said walking back inside just trying to process that kiss......
I just walked in the house closing the door I just stood there and lean on the door just putting my head on the door closing my eyes... just processing everything that happen in that moment......
I open my eyes seeing everything in the room just spinning and just vanishing as i was just standing in a dark room.... I just saw a bright light turn on.... I turn around seeing a door there.... I just walked towards in just thinking if I should open the door..... I place my hand on the door handle...... just taking a deep breath..... as I kept getting the sense something was behind me..... just seeing a black smoke everywhere.... just getting closer to me.......
" MONICA!" I heard Miguel shouted
Monica was just standing in the middle of the room as her eyes were all black.... Miguel kept shaking her till I open my eyes gasping just looking at Miguel confused....
" what happen?" I asked
" I don't know you were just standing there and your eyes were black...." he said
" she was getting in your head....." he said
I looked at him.....
" I don't think she will anymore..." I said and just gave him a small smile and walked in the restroom.... I just took a deep breath closing my eyes... till I saw something that made me scream making everything in the restroom fly off...;I had my hands on my face looking around scared.....
I just used my powers fixing everything how it was....
For some reason I was just scared to get out the restroom I just know it's going to be awkward between us now..... so I just stayed there till he fell asleep till he did he fell asleep in the sofa and I just walked out quietly just going to the city I just wanted some time to myself......
A few hours later
Miguel was making breakfast as Gabriella walked in expecting to see Monica....
" where's Monica?" She asked
" I think she's in the living room or restroom" he said Gabriella just walked in the restroom not seeing her there...
" huh...?" She said she just knock on the restroom and no answer......
" dad she's not here...." she said
" what?" Miguel said as put everything down...
" yeah she's not in the living room and the restroom door is open" she said Miguel just checked and she was right but was empty.... he just felt small emotion in his heart and also felt worry....
" Gabriella grab your coat where going to go look for her...." he said

I was just walking around the whole city..... just seeing how different it is here..... don't have to deal with the other Miguel attacking me randomly.... it just felt peaceful.... how can I let him destroy this universe.... how can I let him hurt his variant......
I started walking at this park and just sat down in this bench
I looked around seeing the kids laughing and playing in the playground... people walking around just enjoying everything......
I just felt myself feel these rush of emotions in me everytime I think about what I did with Miguel last night I mean it's a kiss at least it wasn't something else..... at least we didn't do it.... yeah....
I really messed up..... I think....
I just sat there playing with my rings.......
" MONICA!" I heard Gabriella voice I looked over seeing her run towards me and gave me a big hug...
" I was sorry you left...." she said I pulled away giving her smile....
" I don't think I would never leave...." I said as she had a big smile....
" so are you staying!?" She said
" I don't know yet Gabriella but who knows...." I said smiling at her......
Miguel just walked toward us...
As he looked at me...
" gabbi why don't you go play with the other kids..." he said
" but I want to stay here with Monica..." She said
" Gabriella..." he said giving her the tone...
" I think you should listen to your father...." I said
" go play.." I said giving her a smile....
" okay" she said as she ran to the playground.....
Miguel just sighed as he sat next to me.....
"So why did you just left like that....?" He said
I just looked down....
" I just wanted to have some time to think...." I said
" about what?" He said
" just a lot of stuff is going Miguel...." I said
As it was just quiet...
" it was about that kiss wasn't it....?" He said
" maybe..." I said the whole time I couldn't even look at him....
" what did you felt ?" He said
I just didn't knew how to respond......
" a lot of emotions just bursting out...." I said
" I could say that...." I said
" so you did felt something...." he said
I nod....
" I wasn't expecting to but I did...." I said
" so did I..." he said
We both looked at each other and just had small smiles on are face.....
And then felt are fingers tangle up together.....

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