Chapter 22

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Monica POV
I was just standing in the middle of the hall as they were just blocking the only way out I just didn't knew what to do but I also remember I have powers but I also I have keep my identity a secret I just thought staying invisible will work which I hope...
" why can you just leave me alone just for once" I said
" oh we will till are job here is finished Monica" he said
" oh then that won't happen" I said tilting my head
" I warn you Miguel..." I said
" and I don't care what you say Monica" he said
" then stop trying you won't win Miguel" I said as my whole body turn invisible as I just attacked the others just the whole time being invisible it was going good till Miguel just smacked me making me hit the lockers I just
Felt so much pain in my head as touched my head seeing blood
" well great" I whisper
I just stood up seeing them gone
I just felt the whole room spinning
Till Miguel just appeared out of nowhere just grabbing me by the neck just pushing me
Against the wall
" I am tired of you getting in my way Monica..." he said as he gripped on my neck tighter.... I just looked right into his eyes seeing them all red....
As Peter got this spider sense he just got up and walked out class
As Miguel kept grabbing me I just thought the only way out here it's just mind control him that's what I did....
" the hands" I spit out
As he looked at me confused
I just place my hand on his head saying a small spell just controlling him as he just let me go
I was just coughing and trying to catch my breath but I just ran and left the school
I just kept running till I got somewhere safe
I was just walking up to my apartment just hearing steps behind me instead going to the apartment I just went to the rooftop
I just saw this shadow figure move
I just looked around seeing it moving
Till I saw Miguel just jump towards me out of nowhere just grabbing me again as we landed in this different building I just stood up as I just saw him slowly getting up I just used my web grabbing a brick and throwing it at him...
He just looked at me with anger
" what? Was that to harsh?"I said
As I just tilted my head
While he was still in the floor
I just shoot my webs at him as they tied up his hand together even tied him up the wall
As he just looked at me angrily
" then I be waiting" I said as I just disappeared....
As Lyla appeared looking at Miguel
" haha she really did got you" she said
As Miguel just looked at her
" you want me to call for back up don't you?" She said
As he nod
" Jess is on her way" she said
" crazy you let a girl defeat you" she said
" I didn't" he said as he still had a anger look
" you sure?" She said
" I am very sure." He said
" she's going to pay..."
he said
Miguel wasn't mad about Monica doing all this he was mad about the illusion she made him have.... it felt real to him....
Meanwhile I went back to the apartment I was just standing in front of the bathroom mirror just looking at my neck all red
Wow....He really does have some anger......

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