Chapter 54

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Monica POV
A week later
I was just in my room just working on some things..
Which is really not important at all...
I just heard someone knocking on the door which I went to go open it
" hey.." I said a little shock just seeing Peter standing there after a week just ignoring me..
"Hey" he said
" what do you want?" I asked
" I just came here to ask if you were still planning to go to the dance?" He asked
" uh yeah I mean if you want to" I said
" I do" he said
" oh.." I said
" okay then" he said
" then I see you tomorrow" he said and just walked away
" Peter wait" I said he just stop and walked back
" what?" He said
" Peter there's something I need to tell you" I said
I just took a deep breath
" I did something really stupid and I'm really sorry for everything..."
" I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess..." I said
" you had the right to be mad at me..." I said
" you know I don't really care about that anymore" he said
" why don't we just forget about it and just start over?" He said
" are you sure?" I said
" yeah" he said smiling at me
" okay then." I said smiling back
" then I see you tomorrow night if not then maybe in a hour at the clock tower?" He said
" yeah.." I said smiling as he just left.....
I am very glad that things are slowly working out between us....
Which I thought they were...

The next day
Friday night
It was the day of the dance the only thing  keeping me excited about this whole thing was seeing Peter just trying forget about everything that happen...
I was just wearing a red dress having my hair down I just walked in seeing a lot of people everywhere I just try looking for Peter but nothing I just asked some people and they said they haven't seen him...
Well great....
Maybe I thought Peter just stood me up...
I wouldn't be surprised... at all
So I just sat down just seeing everyone dance....
I just closed my eyes just having a small vision...
I just open my eyes letting out a small gasp
That son of a bitch has Peter capture
I just ran out the school just going we're I thought where Miguel was at....
Meanwhile with Miguel
He ended up capturing Peter having him capture in one of his force field cage thing...
" why the hell do you want me here?" Peter said
" can you just be quiet you little nerd?" Miguel said
" no not till you tell what the hell is going on why am I here who the hell are you why are you after Monica?" He said
" well since you want to know the the truth" miguel said
" the truth about what?" Peter said
" about Monica" he said Peter just kept looking at him
" well let's just say in a other universe there's a variant of Monica who is evil.." he said
" trying to destroy every single universe..." he said
" that's why I'm stopping her from causing all this chaos" he said
" I don't believe you at all..." Peter said
" your just pathetic man you know that" he said
" I know" Miguel said
" your little girlfriend always tells me that" he said smirking
" your just a heartless man you know?" Peter said
" just tormenting someone for no reason.... I don't think your being reasonable at all...." he said
" I am being reasonable Parker..." Miguel said
As he walked towards him
" she took away something from me.... now I'm going to take something from her..." Miguel said tilting his head
" and that's you..." he said
" I want her to feel the pain I feel..."
Peter just looked at him....
As he had a small smirk....
" keep testing her Miguel and it will be the end of you...." he said
" I doubt it Parker..... nothing could stop me..." Miguel said as he just walked away....

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