Chapter 88

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Monica POV
As he was behind me I just turn invisible
" oh come on Monica you know I find you....." he said looking around the whole building
I just blasted him off the building and landed in the streets I just flew down and landed as I just had him in hold with my powers just keeping him down.... seeing the street cracking... at this point I didn't care what people thought... I just wanted to end this.....
" your really showing your true side Monica..."he said
" I don't really care just one snap I could erase their memories....." I said
He just had a small smirk as he was pushing through the powers... I just tilted my head as my eyes glowed red I just blasted him.....
I just stood there breathing heavily.... I just got this small sense and heard then motorcycle I turn around seeing Jess throwing her whole motorcycle at me.....
" and that's for everything...." she said
She just walked towards there seeing Monica gone
" again...." she said
As I was behind her......
Till I heard a small little noise I just looked turn around seeing peter throw something at me... which turn out to be something to have me trap in.... once that hit me I was standing inside the box just seeing my own reflection.....till the glass just turn all spiky almost hitting me I just let out a gasped.... and looked around.....
"You think that will hold her...?" Jess asked Miguel
" it has to..." he said as he clean off the glass he had on him....
"How much time to we have?" She asked
" we have time..." he said
"She's the one who's been stopping us..." he said he just turn around and open a portal....
" I finally found a way to get what I want....." he said
" Miguel....." Jess said as she stood a step back....
He just ignore her.....
" I'm finally going to get what I been wanting...." he said as his eyes sparked and had a smile....
He walked in as someone just drag him out
He just turn around seeing Monica cover with blood everywhere and cuts in her face and her eyes all black.... the way how Monica is slowly changing into her other self.... but who knows maybe her other self has been controlling her in that universe that Miguel been wanting to go for his daughter.... maybe In that universe Monica became the villain in there....

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