Chapter 9

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A month later
Monica POV
I was still figuring out how to get out of here
I was just stuck in this room were Miguel hard me locked up
I was just sitting down in this bed as I close my eyes trying to open a portal but couldn't
I just sighed as i flop in the bed
As I heard the door open
" he wants to see you" someone said
" who does"I said
" Miguel" they said
As I got up and followed them
I just saw Miguel doing his own business
" miguelito"
I said
" what do you want" I said
" what did you in earth -1610?" He said
" nothing" I said
" you sure?" He said
" I'm pretty sure" I said glaring at him
" well being stuck here for like 5 days being locked up in my room... I think I know what I'm doing" I said
As walked pass him
As he stop me
" it's not a order Monica" he said
" I could protect myself" I said
" it's not your decision" he said
As I just looked at him
" I'm pretty sure it is..." I said
" so will you excuse me I'm go do my job.." I said walking away
As Miguel just felt annoyed
" just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid" he said
" on it" Peter said
As he  followed her
" stop following me" i said
" no can do boss gave me order" he said
" you sound like an idiot" I said
" are you sure your Peter Parker?" I said
" definitely" he said
" you don't seem like my Peter Parker" I said
" you have a Peter Parker in your universe?" He said
" yeah" I said
" he's sweet smart handsome" I said
" I just don't want anything to happen to him..." I said
" if Miguel doesn't find him then I think you be good..." he said
" what did you say..?" I said looking at him
" nothing" he said
" no what do you mean by that what will he do to Peter?" I said
" the main thing of being Spider-Man equal..." he said
" being Spider-Man equals losing..."
" which means Peter..."
As I turn around seeing the other Peter gone
" PETER!" I shouted angrily
" hipócrita" I said
As I appeared in my room some how
" WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted
As I try getting out my room as the door was locked
" NO NO" I said
" MIGUEL!" I shouted
" LET ME OUT!" I shouted
I just needed to find a way to get the hell out of this place i need to warn Peter...
As bang on the door as I used my strength as broke the door down
I just ran seeing him standing there
" going somewhere" he said
" QUE HICISTE!" I said
Walking towards him
" nada que te importe princesa" he said as he walked towards me as someone tied me up from behind as Miguel for close to me
" what are you trying to do...?" I said
As he lift my chin up with his finger making me look at him...
" it's for the best.." he said
" and there's no way for you to stop me.." he said
" are you about that...?" I tilted my head
Is this we're I lose my temper...?

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