Chapter 86

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Monica POV
The next day
I was just out walking down the street on my own of course till I got the feeling I was being follow...
I just walked in a empty parking lot and turn around seeing the other peter...
" oh you must be the stupid Spider-Man" I said
" what?" He said
I just blasted him across the room as Jessica was behind me and kicked into the ground making me cut my face... I just stood up seeing blood dripping down... I looked over and tilted my head..... as my cuts just healed and some how that freaked her out...
" Miguel..." she said as my hands were glowing and was forming a energy ball...
" someone help..." she said
Till someone shoot there webs at me...
I turn around seeing Gwen...
" Gwen lovely to finally see you..." I said
" just stop this.." she said
" me... tell that to your boss he's the one who started all this..." I said
" I was just having a normal life till he came along and ruin everything.." I said as I just ripped her web and kicked her
" yeah tell that to you boss you a son of bitch.." I said as I was about to blast her down but she just flipped me over..... I just looked at her as my eyes were glowing and just turn all invisible...
" where did she go..." Peter said
" I don't know..." Gwen said as they were all looking around...
Till I just stood in the middle and threw a blast wave in the ground making them all fly away and hit the wall... I looked down seeing the cracks I caused........ I just started seeing my hands glowing..... I just turn invisible just leaving that place.....
The whole time Miguel saw the whole thing the disappointment he felt...
"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" he shouted angrily
" fine I finished this on my own...."  he said....

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