Chapter 55

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Monica POV
A few minutes later
As Miguel had Peter capture he was just doing some work on his yellow screen as he just heard a small noise he just looked around seeing no one he just went back on doing his work as I just blasted him as he hit the wall I just walked towards him
Just grabbing him by the neck
" I AM SO DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" I shouted as my eyes were all red just burning his neck with my powers he just kicked me making fall onto the wall
" is this a way to break in Monica..?" He said walking towards me I just stood up looking at him
" I don't get why the hell are you so desperate..." I said
" desperate? No I'm just being reasonable..." he said
" I don't think tormenting me and capturing someone is being reasonable Miguel..." I said
" let him go... he didn't do anything wrong" I said
" are we sure about that?" He said having a small smirk
" but no I won't let him go.... I want you to feel the same pain I felt when I lost the person I truly cared for...." he said
" what the hell do you want from me Miguel?" I said
" none of this is making sense first was about the damn stupid canon event, then the multiverse and then some how it was about your daughter" I said
" I told you.... it was everything..." he said
I just tilted my head as my eyes glowed red I was this close on blasting him but he just shot his webs as he tied my hands up....
" nice try..." he said
" the only thing I'm just asking is that you take me to that universe were you saw my daughter in...." he said
" she already has father I'm not going to let you ruin it...." I said
As Miguel just chuckled
" alright then..." He said as he just shoot his web at Peter
As he was chocking him with his web
" tell me or else...." he said
" don't do it..." Peter choked I just couldn't stand seeing him like this....
" FINE JUST STOP!" I shouted as Miguel just stop.... letting Peter go...
"I give you what you want..." I said
" Monica what are you doing..?" Peter said I just ignored him
" but one thing no matter what mess you cause there, is not going to be my problem.... is a you problem you understand?" I said tilting my head
" whatever you say" he said having a smirk
I just look at Peter as he moved aside
I know I was doing something very stupid
I just close my eyes just opening a portal....
The smile Miguel had
" there are you happy now?" I said
" very much it was pleasure Monica..." he said
" uh-huh..." I said as he just walked in the portal as it closed I just walked towards Peter just grabbing his hand
" what's wrong?" He asked
" maybe we should start running..." I said
" why? What did you do?" He asked
I just looked at him...."
You didn't sent him to that universe?" Peter asked
" of course not" I said
" then where did you sent him?" He asked
" somewhere..." I said
" he's going to be pretty piss..." he said
" very...." I said
" but I think it will buy us some time since he needs his little watch" I said pulling it out my pocket
" how did you manage to get it?" He asked
" I have a few moves Parker ..." I said....

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