Chapter 14

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Monica POV
I just
Ran to the apartment as I went to my room just locking my door
Maybe It's just an illusion
It's not real....
Till I saw someone opening my window I just saw Peter looking hurt
Being a bruise up and was bleeding from his stomach
"Peter what happen?" I said helping him up
" I was attack but this random guy" he said
As I put him in my bed
As I lift up his shirt just seeing the cut I just used my powers just healing his cut...
" random guy?" I said
" yeah.." he said
" thank you.." he said
" your welcome..." I said
As I look at him
" don't worry they won't hurt you anymore..." I said as I just felt anger towards Miguel...
It was the middle of the night
Which means Miguel's was probably still out
Probably just hanging around on top of the rooftop in any building ...
I just swing across the building I saw him in and landed...
" it looks like you like attention" I said having a small smirk on my face...
As he turn around
" giving up that early?" He said
" definitely not.." I said
" you did something that you will pay..."I said
" what do you think I did?" He said
" you hurt Peter hipócrita" I said
As he walked towards me
" yeah I did that..." he said
" it was for the best" he said
" I warn you..." I said
" I don't care what you say Monica.." he said
" we both know your not able to do anything.." he said as I just tilted my head just looking at him....
" it's that what you think....?" I said
"Por supuesto.." he said
" this will be your only warning Miguel stayed out my home..." I said
As he just looked at me with his red eyes
I just walked pass him as I try swinging but he used his web grabbing me
" LET GO!" I shouted
" why should i?" He said
" I came here for you and now I got you.." he said as  i just cut the web making me fall....Miguel just ran seeing me gone...

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