Chapter 56

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Monica POV
The next day
After what happen yesterday me and Peter were just outside the school just talking about the whole thing
" so what are you going to do with that watch thing?" He asked
" I still don't know" I said
He just looked at me
" thank you for helping me.." he said
" your welcome..." I said softly smiling at him
" and I'm still sorry for everything that happen with us.." he said
" it's fine..." I said
" in the first place how did he got you?" I said tilting my head
" is it really important?" He asked
" yes.." I said
" you know what is not really that important let's just focus on Miguel shall we?" He said
I just looked at him feeling something suspicious....
" well it will take him forever to get out that place..." I said
" unless someone helps him..." Peter
" if someone does they pulled a dumb moved..." I said I just thought that Gwen had the same watch could a possibility she will help him.... but there's also Ben and Jessica...
I was just zone out as Peter was waving his hand on my face
" you okay?" He asked
" I'm fine" I said
" I was just thinking..." I said
" I think we should go to class" I said
" yeah" he said as we walked in the school going to English...
After that class ended I was heading to my next class which me and Peter don't have to we went to are separate ways I was just walking as someone just grabbed me pulling me inside the janitor room
Which was Gwen
" what the hell is your problem?" I said
" my problem what about you trapping Miguel in a random ass universe?" She said
" I warn him but he didn't listen.." I said
" so not my problem then..." I said
" so good day..." I said just walking out the room
" well Monica you made a very big mistake..." she said as I stop and turn around
" I said it many times Gwen I'm not afraid of him..." I said
" you could tell him that if you see him..." I said just walking away.... i just thought maybe she will go look for him and bring him back if she did then she really pulled a dumb move...

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