Chapter 92

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Monica POV
I was still in this universe with the other Miguel...... he let me shower to take off the blood and grease I had in my hair... he let me borrow some of his clothes which fit me very big... which we okay.... I got out the restroom and stop in the hall looking all the frame photo and drawings he had of him and Gabriella...I just smiled seeing one of the drawing of both of them holding hands....
The different between these two O'Haras..... I walked downstairs just going back to the living room just sitting down on the couch
" hey.." he said giving me a smile
" hey..." I said
" so how do you feel?" He asked
" a little better" I said
" thank you.." I said
" no problem" he said smiling
" where's Gabriella?" I asked
" she's in a sleepover" he said
" oh" I said
" yeah" he said
" so do you think we have time to talk about all this before my variant comes here and destroy us?" He said
" we have time..." I said
" he doesn't know which universe I am in..." I said
" that's good" he said smiling
" yeah" I said smiling back....
" so how's your universe?" He asked
" full of lies and Miguel nonstop..." I said
" be more specific I want to get to know you more better..." he said
" well it's a very long story...." I said
" we have time..." he said giving me a soft smile
I just smile back....
" so I'm actually from a different different universe which I don't recall which one.... I was only 10 when I was stuck in that universe.... I had these powers but then once I got older the kept getting stronger..... I also got bitten by spider.... which I wasn't supposed to get bitten by... so on my senior year my friend Peter Parker he gave me this bracelet which it started glowing and send me into other Miguel universe... meeting him being chase by him getting slam in a moving train by him..... just tormenting me.... nonstop..... he follow me into my universe and the had me locked up multiple times..... he wouldn't leave me alone at all.... will fight me everytime he will see me..... till I had him trap in a universe but he found a way out till he got us trap in this universe from the 20s and having me brainwashed and made me act like a housewife.... till I escaped from there..... that's when I found out my friend Pete who i had a thing with which I regret been working with him..... it was part of there plan the bracelet making me meet Miguel.... just for us to be in this mess....." I said
" all this.... and for what....." I said feeling shocked from the things that happen....
" let me guess he said everything could be part of canon event..." he said
" that's what he said..." I said looking at him...
" I know he did....he also sounds stupid for doing that..." he said
" he wasn't being reasonable he was just pathetic..."
" I'm sorry that happen all of it..." he said
" it's fine at this point I am used to it..." I said
" I just want to make sure nothing happens to you and your daughter that's why I came....." I said
" that's why he's been doing this to me...... so he could get what he wants....."
" then we will try are best to stop him...." he said
" he can't be that bad right?" He said
" right.." I said
" it's just him.... your other self basically.... what can stop us..." I said..... after that talk Miguel let me stay I was just laying on the couch.... but couldn't sleep..... I just sat up... and did something.... I closed my eyes seeing myself standing in the middle of Miguel setup...... why am I here...... I turn around seeing him standing there.... looking different the anger on his face the way it looked like he was ready to destroy me..... I just looked at myself seeing all these orange marks on my body.. the black dust on my fingertips...... what was happening.... till Miguel grabbed me pinning me down on the floor......
I gasped opening my eyes as they were glowing red..... i was breathing heavily seeing Miguel in my head.... actually in my head head... seeing his red eyes..... the anger look he had in his face the paleness... the fangs....he was getting closer... I just stood up and felt someone was behind me...... their eyes were glowing and they tilted their head.... I turn around and no one was there.....

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