Chapter 38

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Monica POV
The next day
After what happen yesterday in school Peter decided to do some studies and just figure out what is going on with me
We were just in the lab
As Peter was just running some test
" was all this necessary?" I asked
" you wanted to find out what's going on so yeah" he said
As I just playfully rolled my eyes
" well I'm probably just a freak.." I said
" don't say that, Your perfect either way..." he said
I just looked at him and softly smiled at him...
" thank you.." I whispered
" your welcome.." he said
As he just kept doing the studies as he pinched me with something on my neck
I just softly winced..
" you still haven't even told me what is that mark you have in your neck?" He said
" I don't think that's important" I said
"You sure it looks likes is getting red" he said
" it's just a birth mark?" I said
" oh" he said
" yeah.." I said
Well that felt awkward....
As I just took a deep breath
" you okay?" Peter asked
" yeah I'm fine.." I said
" just feel a little sick.." I said
As I sat down just taking a other deep breath maybe I was just nervous with all this happening...
" turns out you have more powers" he said
As I just looked at him shocked
" your kidding right" I said
" I don't think that could be possible.." I said
" it could be Mon" he said looking at me
" turns out you have some inhuman like abilities" he said
" it could possible be genetics."
" or history from your family and you probably don't know" he said
" but so far you have of course invisibility, telekinesis which creat energy blasted, speed, strength, mind control create illusion open portals, also heal people energy manipulation and something with force" he said
" is that all?" I said in sarcastic tone
" yes" he answer sarcastically
" I still don't think that's possible" I said
" well it is..." he said
" so your also spiderwomen and also have these abilities why not just call you the spider Phoenix" he said as he softly chuckled
I just titled my head
" Peter this is serious" I said
" I just found out I have these random ass powers and  I can't event control the others I have..." I said
" your right I'm sorry" he said
" but why worry about that Monica" he said
" I told you just relax don't worry" he said
" just forget about it and just try being a teenager" he said
As I looked at him
" Peter I am trying my best on everything" I said
" don't yell at me Monica I am trying my best to help you Monica" he said as he had a small anger look
" if you don't need my help then I'm just leaving" he said
" THEN FINE!" I shouted
" FINE" he shouted as he slam the door
As I just stood there all
What the hell was my problem why did I do that why did I let the only person I care just leave like that.....
everything I did for him I just let him leave I just stood there feeling a small tear just drop...
I just felt like screaming....
Was this me losing my temper....
As Miguel was watching everything...
" so is that what you wanted Miguel?" Lyla said
" seeing her in pain..?"
" she's a threat to the multiverse she caused a lot of changes..." he said
" well Monica isn't the only one?" She said
" what about Gwen Stacy" she said
" your only against Monica and why is that Miguel" she said
" and the fact you send Gwen to spy on Monica like how she did to miles..." she said
" LYLA JUST BE QUIET!" Miguel shouted
" I guess I poked the bear.." she said as she disappeared
Back to Monica POV
I was just walking back to the apartment all wet from the rain
" Mónica qué pasó?" My mom asked
" nada..." I said
" are you sure Hija?" She said
" yeah I'm fine..." I said
" I'm just got to my room and get some sleep..." I said
" apuesto que Peter hizo algo" she
" si hizo algo va a pagar" he said
I just open my door and just drop my bag and flop on my bed just looking at the ceiling...
I just keep making so much mistakes
Why do I make everything worse....
I just listen to the rain and just rest my eyes...
I open them seeing everything dark
I just turn on my lamp and just sat on my bed
As I just see a small spark of red in my finger I was just playing with my powers...
Is this really me? I just snuck out going to the clock tower
Just sitting down there just seeing the rainy weather.....
I was expecting Peter to be here but he never showed up.....
I guess I really did pissed him off....
I just felt completely guilty about it....
As I just closed my eyes and heard some steps approaching to me as Peter just sat next to me...
" I'm sorry...." I said
" I didn't mean to snap at you like that..." I said
" it's okay I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you" he said
" you had the right to yell at me with everything that is going on..." he said
" I'm still sorry... it's just a lot of stuff is going and it's just very shocking..." I said
" just very unexpected news..."
just let out a sighed and just looked at the grey clouds....


Sorry if there's some misspelling

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