Chapter 39

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Monica POV
As me and Peter were still sitting in the clock tower
" thank you for helping..." I said
" is the best I could do.." he said
" so what are we going to do with the whole thing?" He asked
" about Miguel.?" I asked as he nod
" I don't know..."
" but I'm not scared of that old man..." I said
" maybe your right he's probably wasting his time one something he could do but can't..." I said
" makes him look pathetic thinking he knows everything but actually doesn't...." I said
" but I don't know how to stop him" I said
" what do you mean.?" He asked
" well I never defeated someone before the only thing I just do is stop bad people just no one like him" I said
" like look at you who stop vulture and fought captain America" I said
" yeah that was a cool day" he said
" I could imagine working with half of the avengers" I said
" it was the best till Tony sent me home when I got hit in my head" he said
As I just laughed
" ay Parker I could definitely imagine that" I said smiling
" but at least queens have their hero who's a little dorky" I said
As Peter just looked at me
" well very dorky" I said
As he just chuckled
As we both just sat seeing the sky clear up
I just lean on him and place my head on his shoulder....

The next day
I was in the back of the classroom for English not even listening to the teacher I was
Just drawing in my notebook
As I see Gwen standing there
" hey" I said
" hey I was wondering if you wanted to work together on this project?" She asked
" yeah sure" I said
" we could work on it at my apartment" I said
" great" she said
As I just wrote down my direction and giving to her...

After a few hours later
I was in my room with Gwen just working the project
As we were just working I just see something....
I just looked at her wrist seeing a familiar watch like Miguel's...
" that's a nice watch gwen.." I said
As she looked at me
" oh this old thing" she said chuckling
nervously as she pulled down her sleeve
" so I see you and Peter have a small thing" she said
" yeah" I said giving her a smile
" I'm glad that we are working together" she said
" yeah me too" I said
" it's nice to make new friends" I said giving her a smile
" yeah" she said
" do you have the notes from last week?" She asked
" yeah" I said
As I handle her my notebook
As she open it as I forgot about the drawing...
" is this a drawing a Peter?" She asked
" yeah I draw a lot in class when I'm bored" I said
" oh I do that to" she said
As she started flipping the pages
As she chuckled
" is that Miguel.." she said
As I just looked at her
" how do you know about Miguel?" I asked
" no I didn't say Miguel I-" she just stuttering
" no I see what your doing..." I said
" I don't know what your talking about" she as she stood up...
" no I think you should leave" I said
" Monica" she said
" I'm just trying to help you Monica trust me" she said
" how? How can you possible help gwen?" I said
" your working for him aren't you?" I said
" Monica Miguel is trying to help" she said
" help? How is he helping exactly?" I said
" the only thing he's been doing is just torment me" I said
" I don't think that's helping at all..." I said
" trust me we are not trying to hurt you or anyone....Monica if only you just listen" she said
" we? So there's more?" I said
" no Gwen, I think you should get out my apartment" I said tilting my head
" I don't want to do this the hard way Gwen..." I said as my eyes were turning all red...
" but I think your just asking for it..." I said
" if you just listen Monica..." she said
" No you could go tell Miguel that his plan didn't work.." I said
" I thought you said you were my friend" I said
" I thought friends weren't supposed to be betraying each other" I said
" Monica I wasn't okay I would never betray a friend" she said
" is that so cause right now you just look like one of  Miguel spy" I said
" your not my friend or a classmate
Your just a stranger...." I said
" and right now I want  you to leave..." I said as I tilted my head as she just looked at me with fear and just blasting her out my room seeing the walls just break as she just hit a building and landed on a roof top
She just lay there all shocked
As her watch was lighting up
" Gwen what's going?" Miguel asked
" it's all her..." she said
" what? What happen?" He asked
As she just felt a anger rage inside of her just listening to him
" why did you made me do this?" She asked
" I made a friend but now she's thinks I'm betraying her for your stupid shit" she said
" what the h-" as she hanged up....
I was just standing there shocked what the hell got into me....
I just looked at the damages I did in the walls
Lifting up everything with my powers making everything go back how it was....
I just looked at my hands as they were still glowing....
Am I really that dangerous....?
Meanwhile with Miguel
He was just throwing things just feeling anger
" YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING!" He shouted
" what's the matter now?" Lyla asked
" she's causing more and more harm we need to stop her now..." he said
" Monica is getting out of hands" he said
" oh please don't tell me your going back there again" she said
" I don't care I want her to stop the chaos she has inside of her...." he said
As he open a portal to queens
Once again Miguel Ohara was back in that universe....
But this time just full with anger towards Monica ....

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