Chapter 80

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Monica POV
As I had him wrap around with my powers I just kept gripping him through his throat
" at least be glad I didn't do anything painful..." I said as I just tilted my head....
As someone just shoot their webs at me as they just grabbed me making me fall....
I just looked over just seeing Peter standing there.....
I just looked over seeing Miguel just break through my powers....
" NO!" I shouted as i just looked over at peter feeling anger....
" I am sorry.." he said
" I didn't wanted  to see you as a horrible person because that isn't you..." he said
" I was this close Peter this close...." I said
" on what hurting someone" he said
" you have no idea what this man has been doing to me being trap in a damn different universe were he basically brainwashed me and made me live a sitcom life..." I said
" having  me trap multiple times tormenting me and you as well the things that he has done and for what?!" I said as I felt so much anger
" he deserves to pay for everything he caused...." I said
" and I don't care if it makes me the villain he deserves it...." I said as I just walked pass him.... but he just grabbed me with his web
" I'm not letting you leave..." he said
" don't do this peter" I said
As I just try removing the webs but couldn't....
" I came prepared...." he said
" what are you doing..." I said
" it's for the best so you won't cause anymore chaos..." he said as I just see vehicles coming towards us....
" stark..?" I said  as he nod
" I see..." I said as the people from the car just came out as they put these handcuff on me that prevents my powers from blasting out.... as they just had me locked up in the vehicle..... as they just took me away......

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