Chapter 64

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Monica POV
Later that day
Miguel just took me somewhere which looks like his house but different...
" so you basically woke up in your same house?" I said
" yeah" he said as he was going through some stuff...
" what are you doing?" I asked
" jut trying to find some blue prints I had store here...." he said
" huh..." I said
As I look around seeing everything was the same in this room... like the picture frames.... I mean everything was on the floor with glass shattered everywhere but it was the same pictures....
I just kneel down as I picked up the frame just saying that same picture of Miguel with his daughter I just looked at it as it started to glitch I just wince as I saw my hand having a cut and full of blood...
" what the hell..." i whispered
" what's wrong?" He asked
" is nothing.." I said as I stood up
He just looked at me and down my hand seeing the blood dripping
He just grabbed this box which I hope is a first aid kit...
" let me see...." He said
" why?" I said
" just let me see" he said
As he just grabbed my hand
" how did this happen?" He asked
" I don't know..." I said
" what do you mean?" He asked
" I don't know what exactly happen I just picked up a frame and it started to glitch in my hand and then I see myself bleeding...." I said
" huh.." he said he open his kit as he started cleaning the
Blood off I just sat there just thinking about everything....
" you okay?" He asked
" why do you care if I'm okay I thought you hated me.." I said
" I do but you also might be are solution to get out of here" he said
I just rolled my eyes...
" so what are you thinking?" He asked
" that I want to get the hell out here and not be stuck here with you..." I said
As he just chuckled
" you think that's funny?" I said tilting my head
" very much cause your the one who got us into this mess..." he said
" your still blaming me?" I said
" of course.." he said
I just gave him glare
" I'm sorry...." he said
" for everything..." he said
" I don't even believe you.." I said
" the only thing you been doing was just tormented me..." I said
" and now your sorry..." I said
" you did this and for what?" I said tilting my head
" at least I'm changing my mind and trying figure out how the get out of here" he said
" yeah..." I said
" at least I didn't left you like your so call boyfriend..." he said
" I know..." I said I just looked at him as he patch my cut up.....
" thank you.." I said
" your welcome..." he said I just looked at him
" this feels weird...." I said
" what does?" He asked
" all of this...." I said
" just being stuck in different time with someone who I really hate..." I said
" well try getting used to it cause we might be stuck here..." he said as he got up doing what he was doing before.....
" great..." I whispered.....

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