Chapter 31

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Monica POV
After all that let's just say I was back up locked up trying to heal up the cut that Miguel left my hand after gripping to tight as his claws cut me....
I was just Looking at my hand seeing it full with marks and blood everywhere as Lyla appeared
" oh? what happen?" Lyla asked
" well I took your suggestion and let's just say he grip on my hand a little bit too hard..."I said
Well that happens for being nice to vampire / Spider-Man
" so you do care about him don't you?" She asked
" no not at all I don't care about him okay he's the one keeping hostage here so I don't think there's a point to care for him..." I said
" I just did that cause you told me to" I said
" ah you sure?" She said
" I'm pretty sure" I said
As she just had a smirk as she just disappeared
I just took a deep breath and just rolled my eyes.... I just walked out as I just hear Miguel voice and Lyla till I heard Miguel shouting
"Well Monica can also manipulate all multiverse
She has the power of the multiverse in the palm of her hand" lyla said
" also manipulate control alter reality" she said
" so your not the only one who's has the worry about the multiverse Miguel" lyla said
" maybe she could fix some things.." she said
As he just got up fixing himself a drink
" so I see.." he said 
As he just gripped on the glass cup
" I mean come on there could be a chance that Monica could even defeat you" she said
" I mean I know you do have mutations abilities but there's a 100% chance she could"
she said
" are you really trying to make me angry?" He said tilting his head
" no I'm just saying the truth" lyla said
" there could also be a chance that she could bring back your daughter..." she said
As she just disappeared
As Miguel just broke his cup as glass was everywhere he just started throwing things...
Was this Miguel feeling angry about something that he already knew....
" so is this you being jealous or something about me also having abilities to travel different multiverse?" I said walking in
" oh how funny why will I be jealous over something pathetic I'm just mad that your going to cause a lot of chaos..." he said
As I just tilted my head
" so that's what you think...?" I said
" definitely" he said
" so you basically think I'm the enemy and I'm just going to make things worse?" I said
" yes..." he said
" well then.." I said
As he just   winced as I see blood dripping down as I walked towards him
" let me see.." I said as grabbed his hand
Just Healing his hand with my powers
" I told you, you have a small temper..." I said
" I get it..." he said
I just softly chuckled as I was finishing patching his cut...
" there..." I said
Looking at him
" thanks.." he said as he just looked at me
" your welcome" I said
As I just clean up his hand removing the blood
He just lean in closer to me I just looked at him confused
As he just randomly cupped my cheeks pulling me into a kiss...
My eyes just grew big as
I pulled away...
" hey what the hell?" I said looking at him all angry
" I'm sorry I don't know what go into me.." he said as
He just runs his hands through his hair....
I just looked at him
Was this the right decision that I was going to make ? No not at all.... I just took a deep breath....
" Miguel.." I said
" yeah.." he whispered
As he just looked at me
" it's okay.." I whispered
" mistakes happen..." I said looking at him right in the eyes
I just knew I was making a mistake... at that moment....
He just looked at me right in the eyes just feeling him getting closer....
" I think this is the part were you kiss me..." he said
" is it?" I said
" definitely.." he said
As I just lean in giving him a peck on the cheek...
As I just softly chuckled....
Did he really thought I was going to be that easy to get....
" well have good night mr O'hara..." I said getting up
And walking out just leaving him hanging...
I am glad I didn't do anything stupid that's what I thought...
As I just kept walking to the room I was locked up in
Till Miguel just got up and started following me
As he just pushed me inside of this room
" HEY WHAT THE H-" I just turn around as
He just shut me right up by just kissing me
I just stood there just frozen
Why didn't I stopped it? WHY DIDNT I!?!!!
I mean is this wrong it didn't felt wrong
I just had so much mix feelings about it....
I mean it is fiction right? so no need to get mad over some details....
As He just pushed me down in the bed getting on me.....
At the same time this felt weird but...

Was this what women in love will do.....?

Or was it just a big lie.......?

Smut warning






I was just laying on the bed as he was on me  this just felt odd....just weird...
the whole time I just looked at the ceiling just feeling his movements.... him breathing heavily down my neck.....
I just closed my eyes and softly gasped just digging my nails on his shoulder
I just felt my cheeks get all red....
As he thrust into me a little bit hard
I just ran my hands through his back
He just kept going as I just felt my whole body just  all heated up.....
That I ended up scratching his back and let's just say that's going to leave a mark...
I just open my eyes just looking at the ceiling again....
this was a mistake wasn't it?
Is there a real reason why I'm doing this?
Why am I doing this!?
" stop.." I whispered I just try pushing him off but he wouldn't budge he just pin my arms on the headboard.....
Miguel was just slowly going down my neck just giving me small kisses till I
Felt a sharp pain on my neck....
I just screamed gripping on his back as
He just cover my mouth
As he just dig his face on my neck as he kept moving he just lift up his head as he gripped on my leg and he put his forehead on mine
Just hearing him softly groan as he just froze.......
I just gasped as my eyes grew big.... as
He just flopped on me....
Just feeling him breath heavily...
I just looked at the ceiling feeling a small tear drop....
Miguel just looked at me as he wipe my tear away.... as I just felt him lean in.....
" don't ever mention this... you understand?" He whispered on my ear....
I just nod...
He just got off me as he was catching his breath
He just looked at me I was just laying still just trying to process everything....he just got up
" what the hell got into me..." he said walking out the room as he closed the door....
I just lay on the bed just staying still
" what was I thinking..." I whispered
I messed up big time..... I was so stupid to get myself into this mess.....
As I try turning around just to face the wall but my body got all shaky
I was just trying to catch my breath I just grip onto the pillow.....
I just got up wrapping the blanket around me just locking myself in the restroom
Well... that just happen...
Did that actually happen or was It a imagination?
I just lean on the wall just sitting down
Do I regret this? Very much....
I just took a deep breath as I just stood up looking at myself in the mirror just seeing the mark on my neck.... getting all purple....
Did I just let myself get into this mess..?
Very much...
I Just felt angry at myself....
I just felt my blood boil just felt so much emotions growing
I just yell making everything just fly out my way and the windows breaking
I just looked around seeing everything In the ground and glass everywhere
Was this finally the chance for me to get out here....?
After all this time I could've just done that in the first place ....
I'm just hoping all this was just a dream.... it has to right....?

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