Chapter 101

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Miguel POV
After a few days after just going to different universe to try finding Monica but still no sign at all..... i was just walking out this universe when Jess and Peter just stop
" Miguel" Jess said
" I think you should see this.." she said
I just turn around seeing this portal just open.... I just stood there just tilting my head... as I saw someone walked out the portal and it looked like Monica so much like Monica......
Just different with that suit she had on with black suit with red webs on it... black eyeshadow, eyeliner and red lipstick and her fingers had this black dust on it.....
" you must be Miguel O'Hara...." she said having a grin.....
" I think you will be the one who will help me...." she said
" and who the heck are you?" I said
" my name is Monica but not your Monica a variant self..." she said
" how did you find me...." I said
" well your not the only one who's watching O'Hara..." She said
" but I'm here to ask for your help to destroy my other variant..." she said
" there could only be one right.... she doesn't know how powerful I am...." she said
" then why do you need my help.." i said
" I thought you wanted to destroy her as well..." she said
" most definitely I want her to pay...." I said just feeling anger
" then whatever she took away from you I'm pretty sure you could get back..." she said just looking at me right in the eyes with a smirk....
" like your daughter..." she said...
" I been seeing how much your daughter hangs out with her..." she said
" so you know where she is..." I said she just nod...
I just kept looking at her...
" okay then I help you..." I said
" you made the right choice...." she said having a grin.....
" so far I have someone in control who could help us as well......"
Monica POV
Just walking around the whole city just trying figure out what to do.... I wish I could just reverse everything...... maybe I could....... but who knows I feel like I can't even control my own powers cause of the emotions I feel like they just feel like My powers just want to burst out lately..... the type of emotions I am feeling is very rare.... I will say
That...... very very rare feeling this....
And with this all happening Miguel being in my own spell which I'm not sure if I could reverse.... and yeah it just sucks he's went through that cause of me cause they are after me and he had to go through that..... all this and for what........ I don't get why I feel emotional..... and very very sick... I just had the urge to throw up that I walked in a public restroom and locked myself in a stall and just let everything out...... I just took a deep breath....... let's just forget that happen..... I hope is nothing bad at all.......
After that I just walked out and kept walking around till I decided to go to Miguel home...... I just walked in seeing it so empty of course since Gabriella was still staying at her friend house which I think.... maybe I had some place to figure all that out..... which I thought I did..... once I was just floating in mid air just whispering a spell....with my eyes glowing red..... it seem like I was seeing the future or something.... I just some things that I wasn't expecting to happen..... seeing myself just completely destroyed Miguel team.... but shocked about that I did that.......... but of course there was more.... just couldn't figure out what was going it was just chaos everywhere red smoke the whole city all red and orange and saw peter..... and also saw Miguel till I saw myself doing something unexpected...... I just open my eyes letting a small gasp just making me fall down...... I just catches my breath and stood up.. and looked at myself in the mirror there and Gabriella just standing there...... I just turn around as my eyes were big....
" holy cow..." she said as she dropped her bag.....
" you have powers?" She said
" well...." I said
This is very very bad......
After almost an hour of explaining Gabriella everything that's going on just hoping a 10 year old little girl would understand this type of situation
" so yeah that's basically everything Gabriella...." I said
" I'm sorry..." I said
" is not your fault your just trying to protect us.." she said smiling...
" I know..." I said smiling at her....
" so where's my dad?" She asked I just didn't knew what to say.......
" oh.. well he's-" I cut off by the front door opening.... that's when my spider senses were kicking in.... and saw Miguel just walked in....
" DAD!" Gabriella shouted as she ran towards him giving him a hug..
" hey princess..." he said smiling then he looked at me......
" gabbi why don't you go upstairs I have to talk to Monica...." he said
" okay" she said as she just gave me a smile and went upstairs I just looked up and heard her bedroom door closed...... it was just quiet for a moment till Miguel just walked towards me and slam me onto the wall and gripped onto my throat
" who do you think you are Monica....." he said as he looked at me right in the eyes seeing a small spark of red in his eyes....
" your just pathetic..." he said as he just threw me across the room making me hit the wall..... I just looked over seeing him walked towards me...
" you don't belong here Monica you don't belong anywhere..." he said
My whole body just turn invisible as I just stood up and stood behind him the whole time...
" Monica...." he said as he looked around... I just blasted him as he hit the wall....
" okay I had enough with your bullshit Miguel...." I said I just walked towards him and used my powers to have him pin down... he just kept resisting and the way how angry he looked he really wanted to destroy me..... he just used all his strength to sent himself he just grabbed by the throat and flipping me over and pinning my arms down....
" I am not done with you Monica.." he said as he tilted his head and had smirk has his eyes glowed red...
" I know this isn't you but I swear Miguel I am not afraid to destroy..." I said as my eyes glowed red as well just feeling anger.... I felt his claws dig into my skin just making groan in pain....
" okay I get it you are just being in control Miguel snap out of it you understand..." I said looking at him right in the eyes...
" at least do it for your daughter okay.." I said but nothing he wouldn't budge at all... I just had no choice just blast him off  I just stood up breathing heavily seeing Miguel just laying there.... I just slowly walked towards him...
" Miguel?" I said and still no answer....
" I know your still in that spell....." I said
" but I know you could snap out of it...." I said he was still just laying there just full of bruises on his face....
For some reason I felt my eyes water..... until I heard a whoosh near me...... i just turn around not seeing anything.... well great....
I just stood there fixing up the marks Miguel left me till....
" MONICA!" I heard Gabriella shout
I ran upstairs to her room seeing her in the corner of her room
" GABRIELLA WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OKAY?!" I asked looking at her worry she just nod but she looked scared.....
I just looked over her and saw these familiar shadows just forming near her...which one of the shadows looked like Miguel which was him he's near.... I just see his hand coming out the wall trying to grab Gabriella
" GABRIELLA MOVE!" I shouted as she did as I just blasted him as the shadow just turn into dust....
Gabriella just ran towards me giving me a hug...
" are you okay?" I asked
" yeah" she said as she had tears on her eyes....
Going back to the other Miguel the way how he was so angry that Monica did that to him that he started throwing things around having a furious look...
" calm down will you..." Monica variant said
" we won't give up at all...." she said smirking at him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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