Chapter 32

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Monica POV
I open my eyes looking at my ceiling
Was I back in my apartment?
I just got up seeing that I was in my room
Please tell me the whole thing was just a dream....
I just looked at my hands seeing the marks gone
So was it a dream...?
I just heard someone knocking in the front door
I just got up
As I went to go open it...
" Peter..." I said softly having a smile
" hey you okay?" He asked
" yeah I'm fine why?" I asked
" cause you look a little tired" he said
" yeah I'm fine I'm fine don't worry about me" I said
As I just look at him
Just feeling completely guilty...
" I'm sorry.." I said giving him a hug....
" for what?" He asked
" I don't know I just feel sorry..."
" I did a stupid mistake I just feel guilty about it I just hope it was just a dream..." I said
It had to be a dream right...?
This can't be real it wouldn't make sense at all....
" hey just calm down" Peter said
" it was probably just a dream..." he said as he gave me a soft smile....
" yeah..." I said as I took a deep breath....
As I just gave Peter a hug
" thanks for being there for me..." I said
" your welcome..." he said
As he just looked at my neck seeing something
" hey what happen...?" He asked
As I just looked at myself in the mirror seeing the purple mark in my neck....
At that moment I just felt like screaming....
I don't think it was a dream at all.....
" nothing..." I said covering it up with my hair.....
After few hours later Peter went back to his apartment
As i was just in the restroom
Just standing there looking at myself in the mirror seeing the mark
Why was I so stupid enough to get myself into this mess...
I just washed my face
As I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my eyes glowing red....
But they were different they didn't seem like there were glowing at all.......
Was that even possible? Is this even making sense at all.....?

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