Chapter 100

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Monica POV
Just looking at him seeing how much he change just in one second......
I hated the way seeing Miguel like that..... his eyes just so red just looking pale...... I let out a small sigh and walked away
I didn't knew what to do... I just closed my eyes and just took a deep breath starting whispering something.... I just open my eyes seeing red lights flickering and seeing people walking in Miguel room I just ran towards there again seeing him the hell did this happen.... I was just breathing heavily till someone just drag me out...
" you need to get out here he's after you and only you..." he said I just nod and ran out hoping for him not get me well great now there's two Miguel O'Haras after me.... I just kept running but the halls seem to get long and long each time I kept running.... I just open a random portal which I ran in which it lead me to the park.... I was just breathing in heavily and saw Miguel ran toward there I just closed the portal and took a deep breath....
How can this happen......
people just kept looking at me oddly of course since I have a big bruise on my throat and my eyes are all red and I just closed a portal that I open....
What did I do wrong for that to happen....  I let a innocent man get control by my own variant..... he didn't deserve that.... he has a daughter to take care and how he's dealing with this cause of me.... but I guess it's my job to stop everything.... since everyone is after me.. but they don't know the power I have.....
The whole time as Monica was just standing there the other Miguel was watching her seeing her in pain.....
" I guess she has fallen in love..." he said
" pathetic...." he whispered
" well she fell in love with your variant which I find cute.." lyla said....
" cute..." Miguel said
" hey at least it isn't you... your variant is more nicer than you are at least he didn't try to hurt Monica but now he is because of her variant....." she said
" her variant...." Miguel said....
" I guess she could probably help destroy Monica..." he said having a grin as his eyes turn all red.....

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