Chapter 20

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Monica POV
After that whole thing I took Peter back to his apartment just healing his cuts
I was just using my powers to heal them
Peter just looked at me and said something
" who was that guy?" He asked
" Miguel O'Hara" I said
" who is he exactly.."he said
" he's just a leader of this spider verse team..."I said knowing he won't even believe me
" spider verse?" He said
" yeah..." I said
" I actually never told you this cause you didn't knew I was gone cause it was just an hour here but over there it was like 2 months but..."
" I was stuck in this universe well it was New York but different just full of different Spider-Man's and he's basically everyone boss since he's the only person who knows a lot of the spider verse..." I said
" and I was stuck there and he's after me for something that I can't say exactly..." I said just looking at Peter
" you probably think this is just none sense.." I said
" I believe you..." he said
" plus seeing that guy and the other people I believe all that" he said
" I just don't get why we're they after me" he said
" that I don't know..." I said
I just can't let Miguel get near Peter...
" so yeah at least you know there's a spider verse..." I said
" yeah and it's crazy to believe that..." he said
I just looked at him with soft eyes
" Monica" he said as he just wanted to tell her how he felt about her after hearing what she said in the train station
"I-" he just couldn't spit it out
" this guy Miguel... it seems you guys been having tension.." he said
I just looked at him with shocked eyes
" oh no not at all..." I said
" I just really hate him so much..." I said feeling my blood boil just thinking about him
" all he just does is torment everything" I said
" every place I'm at he's there..."
" he just makes my blood boil I just really hate him..." I said
I just gripped on my hand making a fist
I just felt so much anger towards him....

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