Chapter 71

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2 days later
With everything going Monica was still in Miguel control... there was nothing for her do just act like 50s house wife and Miguel acting like 50s business man.... both acting if they were "in love" that's what Miguel just wanted.... for them to be acting like a 50s couple stuck in a 50s time zone....
As Monica was just standing in the middle of the kitchen just looking at the calendar as she notice a small heart Miguel just walked in...
" what's wrong dear?" He asked
" just trying to figure something out" she said as she tilted her head
"  ah just a little heads up my boss and his wife is coming here for dinner" he said
" I thought you were the boss" she said
" I wish" he said
" is that why is there a mark in the calendar?" She asked
" could be love" he said as he just kiss my head
" I see you later" he said as She see he had his case and his suit on
" have a good day at work" she said
She has so much stuff to do....
After a few hours later
Monica was just in the kitchen just making dinner with her powers just having stuff flying around as she finally finished as she met Miguel boss and his wife.... they were all sitting down...
" so how did you and Miguel met Monica?" Miguel boss asked
" yeah what's your guys story?" His wife asked as Monica and Miguel just let out a chuckled
" very cute story do you want to tell it love?" Miguel asked
" of course I do" She said as she smiled at him...
" well are story.....?" She said as she looked at Miguel as he was just looking down
She couldn't remember anything at there even a story.....?
" are story is...?" She said as he just slam his fist onto the table as Monica just looked at him as she did something...
" DAMN IT JUST SPIT IT O-" he said getting cut of as he had something in his throat.....
" Monica...." Miguel said looking at her
" oh stop it" his wife said
As he kept going
" stop it...." she said"
" stop it....." she kept repeating
" Monica Basta...." Miguel said as Monica just looked at him....
" Miguel ayudalo...." she said as Miguel just stood up as he helped him as he was okay.....
" I'm sorry.." he said
" I don't know what happen" he said
" it's fine accidents happen" Monica said......
As everyone just laughed..... Monica just looked at them as she just let out a nervous laugh... as she took a sip of her wine......
That was very odd......
After they left Monica just closed the door as She just
Took a deep breath
" well that wasn't that bad right?" She asked
" of course it wasn't" he said as they both just sat down in the couch
" do you think we are an unusual couple?" She asked
" could be" he said
" do you think this is very Unexpected?" She asked
" with what?" He asked
" this whole story" she said
" then this whole story just makes us an unusual couple" he said as they both looked at each other.......
" an unusual couple that lived happily ever after..." he said
She just smiled at him as he pulled into a kiss.......
The next day
Monica just went to Miguel work to apologize to Miguel boss with the whole thing that happen last night.... as she was heading there she just felt these sense which were her spider sense..... but she just ignore them....
Monica just turn around as she was just kept sensing something odd....
She just walked in the building were Miguel was working At.... once she was in the elevator she kept getting this sense each time she kept getting close..... she just shock her head as she just got out the elevator as she just walked to his office as she just heard voices coming out his office.... this familiar voice......
I just stood there just hearing there conversation.... but she notice something she saw this guy just standing there..... not even doing anything..... I just walked towards him.... as I just see their eyes have these weird symbols..... looked like those computer glitch symbol.... as she just saw everything just glitch.... she just tilted her head as she looked confused..... she just notice her vein get all red and her finger tips her powers were getting out of hand..... she wasn't sure if it her powers causing this chaos.....she just ignore it and just thought she was overreacting... she just was going to Miguel office as she was just hearing the whole conversation......
" so your plan was to keep her trap in this dimension and basically just brainwash her?" Lyla said
" yeah if it works.... so far it is....." he said
" i know it seems horrible just keeping her in hostage in a random universe..... but it's for the best" he said
" it's for the best?" She said
" keeping a innocent person in hostage brainwashing her just for you to get what you want...."
" it's just very pathetic" lyla said
As Miguel just looked at her angrily
" you have no idea how far I made it through to have her wrap around my finger just to use her powers...." he said
Monica just stood there frozen as her eyes just sparked as they went back to normal
She just let out a gasped as she was just breathing heavily...
" what the hell...." she whispered as she saw the outfit she was wearing
" what the hell happen...." she said as she just Miguel......
" just using her for her powers to get what I wants that's why I did this......that's why I made us get stuck in this universe....." he said
As Monica just used her mind to open the door fully as she had her head tilted
" you son of a bitch...." she said
" Monica" he said as he stood up
" so all this was your fault then getting us trap in this universe huh?" She said
" I- I don't know what your talking about?" He said As he walked towards me
" don't get near me...." She said as she took a step back
" I'm sorry..." he said
" no your not" she said as she just had her arm behind as she used her powers to drop something on him she just ran as Miguel stood up as he started chasing her
" MONICA" he shouted as she turn around seeing him behind her she just blasted him and just kept running as she just made it to the elevator she just kept pressing buttons as she turn around seeing him getting closer...
" MONICA!" He shouted as he had his eyes glowing red she just got in the elevator as Miguel just hold the door open as Monica just let out a small gasp as she saw his eyes change into red she just see him crushing the door as she just kicked him making him fall she just saw him get up and the door just shuts closed she just let out a sighs as she felt herself freak out....
Miguel just stood there breathing heavily as his eyes were very red.... he just used the emergency stairs as he just ran trying to catch her as the door open Monica just got out as she just saw so much people she heard this door open just busted open as she just saw Miguel she just speed walked to the crowd just trying to lose him...... she just just saw the door as she just ran towards there but someone just grabbed her arm just pulling her down as she just fell on the ground as Miguel just got on her as everything just stop.....
" let me go...." She said
" not a chance..." he said as She just kneed him and pushed him off as she just ran off
She just turn around as she still sees him in the ground as she turn back around he was standing in front of her as he did something to her just making her sleep...... he just carry her he just open this portal......

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