Chapter 10- Making Plans

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   A few days had already passed since you had the phone call with Larissa and now you were starting to wonder if she will ever call you back. But you still were optimistic and believed that she would eventually call you because genuinely, it seemed like she wanted that letter back. So you didn't lose hope and kept waiting. At one point you had the idea to call her and ask her about the meetup, but you quickly abandoned that idea because you didn't want to come off to that woman as a desperate and impatient person who just wants to get rid of that letter as quickly as possible. So you just continued living your ordinary life quietly hoping to eventually get the phone call. 

   And as any other day, you woke up to get ready for work immediately checking your phone for any kind of message from Larissa Weems. It had basically become a daily ritual for you to pick up your phone as soon as you were awake. Not seeing anything new on your phone you completely got up and started your standard morning routine. You always woke up at 6:30 am and gave yourself an hour to get ready, in that hour you manage to take a shower, get dressed, and even always find a few minutes for a motivational speech in front of the bathroom mirror. 

   Usually, by 7:30 am, you were already ready and out of the door, 7:45 am being the latest you had ever left your house. The bookstore was a twenty-minute walk from your house but because you still hadn't bought a good quality coffee to keep at your home it had become a daily routine to go get a cup of coffee at Weathervane adding additional ten minutes to the walk. In the end, you spend half an hour going to your work. 

   ''Good morning, what can I get for you today?'' Tyler, the barista asked you as you walked up to the counter in Weatherwane. In the past week, you and Tyler had become friends, always having small talk and catching up with life while he made you your coffee. Tyler always joked that you would eventually go broke by ordering coffee at Weathervane every single day to which you replied that it is better to be spending money on coffee rather than falling asleep on your job and getting fired eventually and actually going broke. 

   ''I'll have the usual.'' You replied already having your wallet in your hand. ''If I was a fortune reader I would definitely see you living in a cardboard box doing random things just to get money for your 'usual'.'' Tyler joked, and for some people, this joke might seem rude and too dark, but for you, it nearly scratched the surface of your dark humor. ''Ha, ha...I am dying from laughter.'' You sarcastically replied as you were handing Tyler the money. 

   ''Hey, maybe if you start collecting the coffee cups now, you will eventually be able to make a cardboard box of your own. Wouldn't need to look for one, Like a D.I.Y thing.'' ''Oh creative of you to think that, I will definitely make sure to call you for help.'' You sarcastically laughed already reaching for the coffee which Tyler was handing you. ''Okay, got to run, can't be late...see you later.'' You turned around and started walking as Tyler said goodbye to you. 

   You left Weatherwane and immediately started going to the bookstore. You actually liked working there, because back in the day in your high school years, you used to read a lot of books because that was the only way how you were able to escape reality and all of your problems and still now from time to time you would pick up a book as well. So being around books gave you a comforting feeling with a touch of nostalgia. 

   ''Hi, Margie.'' You greeted the sweet old shop owner as you entered the bookstore. ''Good morning Y/n...alright you know the drill, sell books, and don't let anyone steal them, I will be in the back doing some paperwork,'' Margaret said, but you liked calling her Margie. She was a nice lady, but you still had to prove to her that she was able to trust you in getting to work on time. The first month Margaret would open up the shop and wait for your arrival and after the first month would pass you would start opening the book store on your own. 

   ''Oh and can you please sweep the floors,'' Margie asked before disappearing into the other room behind the counter. Throughout the day your job was to help customers and do other random tasks around the store as sweeping the floors, dusting the shelves, and restocking them, which you loved because it was quite relaxing and not tiring at all. And as the day was already in the other half you were just organizing the bookmarks which weren't in the original to-do plan but in your opinion, they were too cluttered and needed proper replacing just like with your clothes in the closet. You were completely lost in your own though thinking about what would you do when you got home when you suddenly got startled by a phone call. The phone call you had been so impatiently waiting for. 

''Hello.'' You quickly picked up the phone and answered not wasting any seconds. ''Hello, Y/n?'' Larissa Weems asked to make sure she had called the right person and you knew that you didn't need to check who was calling you because she had a voice so distinctive that you just immediately knew. ''Yes, that's me!'' You happily replied glad to hear the voice that seemed to comfort you more than anything else, even tho you didn't even know what that woman looked like. 

''Alright...I was afraid that I might have saved someone else's phone number as you.'' She laughed addressing her own awkwardness. ''Oh, well wouldn't that be an awkward situation.'' You were talking to this woman as if this wasn't only your second call. ''Indeed...'' A few moments passed before you said, ''So...any updates about the day when I can give you the letter?'' You asked trying to not sound like you were rushing this whole situation because that was the last thing you were planning. 

''Oh, yes, of course! So, we can try to manage it on Tuesday next week if that is fine with you.'' She said and it truly seemed so sweet of her to ask you if you can make it as well. ''I just depends on what time, because I can at 1 pm when I have launch break or after 6:30 pm.'' ''1 pm can work, and I apologize for not being able to arrange the date closer.'' She said which made you giggle a little. ''No worries, it is not like I am the one who lost the letter and now is trying to get it back.'' 

''Can I ask if you remembered how you managed to get come across my letter?'' Larissa asked making you fall back to the same question she was asking you right now. ''I have truly no Idea...I can't even remember what I was doing yesterday, I guess I have to go to some kind of hypnosis to find out how I got that letter.'' You laughed as you shamed your own bad fish-like memory. ''I't shurley can't be that bad,'' Larissa asked genuinely seeming to be interested in you. 

''It is bad, if there was some kind of brain cleansing I would 100% go get that done.'' ''Well then I would advise you to write down the date of our meeting, or else you might forget.'' The thing that Larissa said truly seemed like a good idea and you were already looking for a piece of paper and a pen when you realized something that wasn't mentioned. ''Oh! Well, I can't show up to a place that isn't specified.'' ''Yes, there a place you specifically want us to meet?'' She asked as if you knew Jericho's every street and building and at that moment only place that was coming up in your mind was Weathervane. 

'' about Weathervane? It looks like a lot of people tend to make plans there.'' ''Yes, that is an excellent choice!'' She said and so you two went on talking for good twenty minutes and every time you both wanted to end the conversation you or the woman said something which kept the conversation going until you finally ended the call when a customer came into the bookstore. 

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