Chapter 18- A Book About Flowers

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   After the lovely day you had with Larissa you were working as usual. Larissa was still constantly on your mind, but because now you had opened up to her so much already you had gotten plenty of her attention that would last for days. 

   So you were working and the clock was approaching 6:30 pm when someone entered the bookstore. At first, you hoped that it might be Larissa who had entered but instead, it was a person you hadn't seen for a while. ''Oh! Hello Marilyn.'' You greet the sweet ginger lady who was already approaching you at the cash register. ''Good evening.'' She greeted you back and it seemed like she was already aware of the fact that you worked here despite you never telling her about where you worked. 

   ''How can I help you today?'' You asked her the standard question you ask every other customer. ''I need to buy a specific book, that I hope is here.'' You immediately get interested because you are always glad to have a specific book in this bookstore because it made your work even more special. ''And what kind of book you're looking for?'' You asked and Thronhill goes on to tell you the book's title and the author and immediately it rings a bell in your head that you had seen it here. You basically had read every single title of every single book that was in this store. 

   So you quickly left the counter and walked up to one of the shelves that you believed held the book, you crouched down to get to the bottom shelf and in the meantime, while you were looking for that book you asked: ''Why this bookstore? Did you know I was working here?'' You were curious to find out if she had just found out that you worked here or if she had known since entering the store. 

   ''Well...Weems informed me that you worked here when I went to ask if this specific book might be in the Nevermores library.'' Just hearing the word Weems gave you a few butterflies, but you held yourself together and acted professionally. ''Oh...well I'm glad she did, because we have this book right....ahh here it is.'' You pulled out the book from the shelve. It was a book about flowers, typical for Marilyn. ''Do you need this book for your classes?'' You asked as you sense Marilyn take one step closer to you. ''Oh, no, no! It is for my own entertainment...'' She crouched down next to you and now your eyes were at the same level. She placed one of her hands on your shoulder and leaned a little bit closer in a little quieter voice said, ''It is a very interesting book, I recommend that you read it.'' 

   Her smile was kind, perhaps even too kind, and you started to feel a little bit uncomfortable so you sharply stood up still having the book in your hand. To release some of the tension you asked: ''So only this book? Nothing else?'' You started walking up to the counter, Thrinhill quickly following you, and for a bride second, you thought that you felt her hand run through your hair, but you just brushed it off thinking it was by a mistake.  ''Yes, that will be all.'' She kindly replied as she was pulling her wallet out of her purse. 

   ''By the way, you look lovely today.'' She threw this compliment at you completely out of nowhere, confusing you a bit because you were not wearing anything special, you had just an oversized jumper on and some jeans, but you still to not be rude, kindly accepted her compliment. ''I heard that you are finishing work right about now...perhaps you want to go grab a coffee at Weathervane?''  She asked and this immediately reminded you of Larissa, it even felt like she was trying to mimic her action. Even tho you wanted to go get yourself a nice cup of coffee, you just as much wanted to go home and rest because this day had been more exhausting than any other day. 

''That would be amazing, but I will sadly have to decline. I am just so tired today.'' You felt like you had to throw in an excuse so she wouldn't get offended even tho you didn't have to.  ''Oh okay...well I'm glad to know where to at least find you now.'' She seemed to be a little disappointed that you declined her request and that you even felt a little sorry for her. ''And if you need to buy a always know where to find me.'' You stupidly chuckle to try to get Thornhill to only come and buy books at this specific bookstore. 

   ''I definitely will! But now then...I will go, have a good evening.'' ''You too!'' You said your goodbyes to the lady with the big glasses and the poofy ginger hair before you yourself started getting ready to leave for the day. 

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