Chapter 5- New friend

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   "Larissa Weems..." You read out the name of this woman out loud before sitting down on the sofa and starting to observe the letter. "How did this get here? Who is Larissa Weems?" A lot of questions arose at that moment but most important you wanted to know how did this letter come to be in your position.

   But you couldn't think for much longer because your eyes were basically closing shut and you needed to get out of this apartment into the fresh air as fast as possible. So you place the letter on the coffee table with the thought that you would come back to it after you came home from your little adventure. You take your now empty bag and refill it with your wallet and some other trinkets that might come in handy when you were out, like chapstick, your toiletries bag, wet wipes, gum, and most importantly a bottle of water.

   After that, you didn't waste a single second in this apartment anymore and finally left. You had forgotten that the elevator wasn't working, so you again spend a few good minutes pointlessly pressing the button before remembering that this exact situation had happened to you already yesterday. So you just walk downstairs and exit the tall building immediately being hit in the face with Jericho's fresh air. The air quality in this city was just something completely different, the air was crisp and fresh and it almost instantly drew you away from the sleepiness.

   You didn't remember where the Weathervane was located so you again looked it up on your phone and started heading in its direction. This 10-minute walk, in the end, turned into a 30-minute walk because almost with every step you took you needed to stop and look at a beautiful building or an object that just drew you further away from your original plan. It was only then when you were about to go into a beautiful corner shop that you remember your ideal plan. "Stay focused!" You say to yourself as a little motivation before continuing to walk further already seeing the coffee shop in sight.

   Finally, you made it to Weatherwane and immediately stumbled your way to the counter while looking around to see it was quite busy despite it being a work day. "Good morning! What can I get for you?" A boy with a wide smile greeted you already ready to take your order. "Umm, hello," You awkwardly reply not even knowing what was on the menu, "I- I don't know...can-what is the strongest thing you got?" You stupidly ask. Usually, you didn't order coffee because you just always made it at home, but now that it wasn't an option at the moment, you had to wing it not even knowing any of the coffee types.

   "The strongest one we have is the Red Eye." "What is a Red Eye?" You ask being completely lost because you had never in your life heard that term. "It is coffee with an extra shot of expresso, people say after drinking it you won't be able to sleep a wink." "All right, sounds good to me." You finally take your order almost already resting your body on the counter bearly awake.

   "That is a strong coffee, I can agree." You hear a female voice coming from your back and when you turn around to face this woman you where greeted by a sweet-looking ginger lady. You didn't want to seem rude by just turning back away and completely ignoring this lovely lady who clearly wanted to talk, so as much as you just wanted to get that coffee and be out of here as quickly as possible you replied: "Yea...that is just what I need at the moment."

   "Well, personally I can't get myself to order it, don't think my body would handle it pretty well." While this lady was talking you managed to get a good look at her. The first and foremost noticeable things about her were the ginger hair and the big cat-eyed glasses that accented her face very well, she had an interesting style, and the colors of her clothing were earth tones that just went perfectly together with her hair color. After you had done unnoticeably looking her up and down you reply: "Oh, I don't think my body is ready either, but after spending all night moving in, I need that energy."

   "You're not from here?" The lady curiously asked. "No, just got here yesterday." You weren't about to make the same mistake that you made yesterday when running into that man at the train station. "Actually you're basically the first person I have talked to since getting here except my landlord, but she is just a landlord." You came to realize that it was actually nice to finally talk to someone. "Well then, I guess a proper introduction won't harm name is Marilyn...Marilyn Thornhill." She stretched out her arm for you to shake it which you without any hesitation did. "Y/n." You shake your hand before the boy behind the counter hands you the coffee.

   You were about to leave when your now-new friend said something that kept the conversation going. "So what are your plans in this city?" "Oh, I just came here to become more independent and get away from my family. And now I will just go and explore this city a bit more." You filtered everything you were saying because you didn't want to spill your heart out to this nice lady you had just met, it was already enough that a random man knew about your relationship with your mother. "Is that so...if you want to...I can show you around a little." And despite your plans on spending your day alone you happily agreed to Marilyn's request just wanting to have a little company.

   Marliyin showed you some cool places in Jericho and while at it you found out that she worked at Nevermore as a botanical science teacher, apparently it is a school for outcasts. You had read something about these types of people but always thought that it was just some random fiction so this came as a little shock to you, but by Marliyn being there to explain everything, you quickly got on track. In the end, you both walked for good 3 hours chatting about life while this nice lady showed you around the city. You found Thornhill to be funny and easygoing, she was very smart when it came down to plants and flowers, and generally, she was a good person to be around.

   In the end, you both split up when Thornhill got a call asking for her to come back to the school to help deal with some kind of situation. So you feel quite happy to already have made a new friend on your second day of being here, walked back to your apartment where you saw that haunting letter still sitting on the coffee table.

That One Letter. Larissa Weems x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now