How Much More

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~i panicked and tried to run but the moment i ran out the door into the fresh cold night air that stung my skin i was swooped up into the body guards arms. I began to flail around and struggle against him, tears welling in my eyes as he carried me over to the SUV and chucked me inside.~

the journey back to Romans mansion was a long one. The odour of the obese man still stung my nostrils, and it felt like his deep-set eyes were permanently imprinted into my vision no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes or tried to distract myself by counting the raindrops on the window. His ugly eyes were still there.

The rain slammed down onto the road ahead of us like millions of tiny bullets, and every once in a while Roman's car skidded slightly, causing more fear and adrenaline to course through my body. After 4 painfully silent minuets of driving the SUV came to a steady halt and my door was opened by a body guard who was motioning for me to get out.

Everyone was uneasy, it seems like word of my incident had already spread around. I can only imagine how infuriated Roman is now.

He leads me up the red carpeted stairs holding me firmly by the wrist, making sure to squeeze it tighter and tighter after each step he took, yet i know my punishment is going to be a lot more painful than this.

We come to the room Roman had taken me into yesterday, yet this time he doesn't bother making any cocky remarks, he knows damn well his silence is making me ten times more afraid.

"Taylor" he tuts and looks at me with a horrifyingly calm yet angry expression
"Taylor Taylor Taylor" he sighs while looking at me as if i'm some kind of prey
"what on earth are we going to do with you hmph?"
"You bette-" he cuts me off becoming more enraged by the second
"i know exactly what i'm going to do, and you know whats going to happen too. dontcha"
his words are so simple and calm yet they send chills down my spine
"well, as I promised last time you tried to run away, you will be getting a higher dosage, you know... i'm beginning to wonder if you pulled that little stunt on purpose just so you could get some more of this. Greedy little whore." he scoffs and pulls out that damned box and grabs out the tools with such elegance, as if he's some kind of doctor.

Every inch of me wants to charge right at him whilst he's focused on heating up the spoon, hell, i could stab his eyes out with the needle and run away, finally get my freedom back, or even get the young, sweet, innocent, fiery part of me back. But no matter how much my brain is telling me to murder this animal right here right now, my heart is telling me to stay and just wait it out in hopes that Bill Georg and Gustav might have a
plan to get me out of this hell hole.

"how much more?" my voice trembles at the thought of having to imagine finally being with Tom, finally being in his warm embrace and caressing his soft face again just to have him ripped away from me, having to pretend none of it happened and forget about it all just like that.
"how much more, Roman?"
"hush hush now don't make this more difficult than it needs to be" he pats my knee and slowly trails his hand up my thigh and then underneath my skirt. His hands are cracked and rough on my delicate skin. He reaches the top of my thigh before removing his hand and flicking the needle
"theres a good girl" He says with such a hungry tone.

He injects me with the heroin and i feel the substance travel through my veins, not long after the first dosage had settled, he injected me again with more of the stuff. My arm went numb and limp and the walls around me looked like they were slowly crumbling. Romans voice now sounded a lot deeper and his words were spoken at a much slower pace yet his lips appeared to be moving twice as fast.

"maybe this will teach you not to be such a shit person" he spits at me
"you are ungrateful and sloppy. and Taylor, I mean it when I say, one more bad word about you and you are done for."
"you are getting no more second chances! I have given you the benefit of the doubt by letting you come and live with us. stupid ungrateful bitch"

After a while of Roman shouting abuse at me, my brain finally drowned out all the noise around me, it sounded like i was under water listening to voices above the surface.

I suddenly feel so powerless. My body is paralysed and i fall back onto the bed flat on my back. I try to fight off the feeling of drifting away from reality and into the high, but Roman gave me a lot more then he had before and no matter how much I fought my own brain, my body began to feel like it was floating. up and up and up. The last thing I hear before I pass out is a sort of growl escape Romans mouth "got anything to say for yourself?" he says
And with the last bit of strength I have left in me I manage to blurt out "you can go fuck yourself"

I hate to think about what might've happened to me when I lost consciousness.

a beautiful lie (continued/ original by winternightz)Where stories live. Discover now