A Better Night

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Coming back to the mansion is not nearly as hard as it had been the past few nights. Because now I know my protecter is back and fighting for me.

I practically sprint up the staircase and yank open my door revealing a tidy room. I hadn't cleaned it and no one ever mentioned any cleaners to me. I shrug it off and hurry to change into Toms t-shirt its huge on me but its nice feeling comfortable again.

I waltz into the bathroom with a skip in my step and hum to myself as I wash my makeup off, something I hadn't bothered doing before bed yet. But now, now i have hope. Now I have a reason to take care of myself and take orders to get on Romans good side.

I walk back into the bedroom and stand in-front of the mirror, and to my surprise I recognise the girl staring back at me a bit.
I finally have a real, genuine smile on my face and no matter what I do nothing can seem to stop me, its almost as if it has been tattooed on. My cheeks are rosy and my eyes have a bit of a twinkle to them for a change.

I didn't love the girl in the mirror, but I was finally beginning to like her a bit more. I stretch my arms out above my head letting out a huge yawn. So, exhausted, I decide to get a good rest so I crawl into the tidy bed.

a beautiful lie (continued/ original by winternightz)Where stories live. Discover now