Dr Stephen

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Thursday, 2:40PM.
Ive let Tom sleep in my bed now, the only rule being no touching. He complies, he's just happy he doesn't have to sleep on the sofa anymore.
I get myself dressed, I make sure to look professional, so the doctor knows Im serious. I brush my hair into a slicked back bun and I rub some moisturiser onto my face.
I wander downstairs and enter the kitchen to get myself some lunch

"Hey Tay" Its Gustav
"Hey Gustav!" I smile at him as I spread butter on my bread roll
"You look smart" He chuckles a bit
"I have to mean business today" I say with a hint of cockiness in my voice
"Right, right." He nods slowly
"Mhm!" I put some chicken into my roll and sit down while I eat
"Where ya going then?" He asks
"Don't worry about that, just know I mean business" I respond, he nods and I dig in.

Tom walks down the stairs and pours himself a glass of water
"Alright?" Gustav asks
"Yeah." Tom sounds quite scared
"We leave soon, you ready?" He's wearing his usual baggy clothes and his long braids are shoved into a messy ponytail under a flat cap.
"Yeah" I look him up and down and shrug, he clearly miss understood the assignment. Oh well, as long as I look smart it should make up for both of us.
Tom pours me some cola and slides it along the breakfast bar to me, I smile and chuck the drink back.

We sit in silence as the time ticks by, Toms clearly nervous and Gustav doesn't want to send him on a rampage.
"We should leave now so we get there on time." I say breaking the silence
"mkay" Tom picks his keys up and starts the car while I put the doctors office in the GPS.
Tom speeds down the roads, his breathing is heavy and fast
"Im proud of you" I say in an attempt to calm him down, he just continues staring at the road without speaking. K.

We pull up to the doctors office 5 minutes early and we walk to the front desk
"How can I help you today" She sounds like the woman on the phone
"Yeah hello, appointment for Tom Kaulitz"
Her eyes widen in fear as she moves her body to peek behind me where Tom is stood with his arms crossed
"O-okay." She stutters while trying to form her sentence "Waiting room on the left" She gives me a scared smile and I lead Tom to the sitting area.
Everyone in here is old and smelly. They all give us looks as we enter the room. Tom looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed, I roll my eyes and shake my head in response.
We sit down and wait as other people are called for their appointments.

"Tom Kaulitz?" A few people gasp as we walk towards the man who's stood at the door
"DR. Stephen?" I ask while shaking his hand
"Indeed!" We walk into his office, it smells of chemicals and all the walls are painted with dull blue.
"So, Tom. Whats been going on then?" Tom looks at me, he doesn't want to admit he's not okay. I decide to speak for him
"He's been having, how can I put this? Episodes?" Dr Stephen pulls up a blank document on his computer and starts typing
"What happens in these episodes?" Tom stays silent again
"He gets very very angry" Dr Stephen continues typing as he nods for me to continue talking about Toms emotions
"He does some bad things when he's angry, its like its not Tom anymore." I pause "He kind of forgets who I am I guess. And he gets reckless. He does things he usually wouldn't do"
"Right, how long do these episodes last roughly?"
"A few days, then he drops down into a low" As he types he looks up to me
"Explain these lows to me" Tom stays silent once again, I roll my eyes at how pathetic he's being
"He becomes emotional, and very gentle and kind" I pause "He gets very affectionate and caring, this usually lasts for a few days" The doctor looks back at the screen.
Tom reaches into his pocket and pulls a piece of paper with words scribbled down on it, he slides it to Dr Stephen and he reads it before typing everything down

"Okay, what were you hoping to get out of this appointment?" He asks
"Medication? Therapy? Just anything to limit these highs he has" The doctor nods
"We can sort some medication out, but I have to speak to my team about what we can prescribe before I can give you any medication." I furrow my eyebrows
"We cant wait a few weeks. Its getting out of hand" I snap
"Well unfortunately, you're going yo have to wait" Tom shoots him a dirty look. Oh God.

"Do you know who I am?" Tom says with a cold tone, the doctor swallows and clears his throat
"Yes, yes I do." The doctor clearly doesn't know what Toms capable of
"Tell me who I am" I tense up as the conversation progresses
"You are Tom Kaulitz" The doctor says sternly
"Thats where you're wrong. Im a killer. Im the leader of the most dangerous gang in Tokyo." The doctor widens his eyes as Tom boasts about how evil he is
"Ive killed hundreds. Don't think I wont again."
His cruel words send shivers down my spine

The doctor opens google and searches Toms name, his face drops
"Mr Kaulitz, Im terribly sorry." The doctor starts
"You will listen to her and get my medication within a week. One week. Not a few." Tom interrupts
"Understood sir." The doctor obeys
"I will get this to my team today."
"Good. And you call her as soon as you have an answer." Dr Stephen nods and stands up
"Ill call you." We leave the office and walk towards the car. I want to scold him for threatening the person who's helping us, however Im glad he wants things solved quickly.

The journey home is less tense, Tom seems sort of proud of himself.
"Thank you, love" He says as we speed down the main road
"Its ok" Its nice to hear him call me love after so long, but Im still hesitant to wether I should let him back in again.
"I want to make things better" He admits, my heart warms
"Im going to make it up to you Taylor, I promise" He sounds sincere and truthful.

I hope he's not lying.

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