Soul Bound

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I wake up in Taylors arms, she fell asleep with her head snuggled into my chest.
I take a minute to admire her delicate face. I gently cup her cheek in my hand and rub my thumb along her soft cheek.
I stare at her full lips, then her button nose.
Her beauty is heaven sent.
Her beauty is so enchanting, her fierce emerald eyes always make me loose focus of the world around me.
They are so much more then just green.
They reveal a dark pine forest, the moss that clings to the bark, and summer green meadows.
They resemble her beautiful personality, so vibrant and free.
I love her beautiful green eyes, even when she cries.

She is poetry, shes made of beautiful words that roll off the tongue.
Her smile is as bright as the sun, and her eyes hold the stars.
Sometimes I think she forgets how pretty she is, I see her stare in the mirror always with a hint of disbelief.
She stands in front of her reflection and inspects every curve and every crevice, and with each passing day the smile on her face fades.
But her appearance always gets me in a chokehold, the way she flutters her long lashes and how her lips move when she talks.
She is just so alluring. Shes so pleasing to look at.

But most importantly, she is so compelling to talk to.
She forms her sentences so properly and she says all the right words.
And when she laughs my world comes to light. Her beaming smile never fails to ease my hopeless heart.
Each time her fingertips brush against my face, my skin tingles in delight.
And when her lips come into contact with mine sparks erupt around us.
The way she speaks so gently soothes my daunting emotions.
Her calming voice feels like honey to my ears.
I do not deserve Taylor.
I don't deserve how easily she forgives me.
I don't deserve how she comforts me on my darkest days.
I don't deserve how she cradles me to sleep.

I hate to admit this, but I love Taylor, I love her snappy personality and her piercing green eyes, I love her gentle soul and her angelic words.
She reminds me of my mother, so caring, so kind. Yet broken and afraid, and I know Im to blame.
I didn't want to destroy Taylor the way I did, and I have no explanation for what Ive done.
But I will make it up to her, I will bring her the comfort she needs.
I will be her rock.
I will be her person.
I will be whatever she desires as long as it is me.

When she was gone I was so empty.
I searched for her in crowds, in empty fields and soaring clouds.
In the city's lights and passing cars, on winding roads and in the stars.
Without her my world was dull, it was quiet, it was crushed.
So now that I have her back I will do what I must, to prove that I can be her light,
her comfort,
her home.
And as long as she is with me I will do all that I can to make myself better once again.

"Taylor?" I whisper to her as she sleeps peacefully
"Taylor?" Her eyes are glued shut
"I love you." I say these words so quietly, hardly even a whisper. But loud enough that she might hear as she dreams.


"Taylor? Wake up love" Tom gently shakes my arm and wakes me from my slumber. Upon seeing his mesmeric face my face becomes plastered with a smile.
"sleep well pretty?" He leans down and kisses my forehead
"Yeah, what time is it?" I ask
"Its 5pm" Shit we slept for ages. I giggle and pull him into a warm embrace, he melts into my touch and holds the back of my head as we lay interlinked on the messy bed.

To be interlinked with someone is so magical.
Its holding hands under the table.
Its the way our lips lock together like pieces of a puzzle.
But sometimes its not just physical,
its sitting in silence appreciating each others presence.
Its staring into his eyes and watching as everything around me becomes foggy.
Being interlinked with someone is a different kind of love.
Its feeling empty when he is away.
Its feeling lost when his starry eyes turn grey.
Its having the thought of him permanently in the back of my mind.
And its missing him even when he's right next to me.

The scent of Toms fading cologne fills my nose,
as he pulls me even closer to him.
I know it sounds weird but sometimes I want to be in his skin.
I feel the dying need to be extremely close to him.
Because my connection with Tom is not just through meaningless kisses and morning hugs,
its through our souls.
I can feel when our auras connect and melt into each other,
and I can feel when our energies combine and pull us to one another.
Me and Tom our bound together.
And no matter how hard I've tried, I always fail to  break it.
And thats because I wasn't the one that made it.
I didn't choose to be stuck to this man,
but our connection is what bought us together so that means we are bound.

a beautiful lie (continued/ original by winternightz)Where stories live. Discover now