Taking Back Whats Mine

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I watch as Taylor goes up to a table of drunk men, they all look her up and down and some even nudge their friends as if to say 'look at her'
"How long do you think it will take her to come over" Gustav asks eager to get out,
"Not long" I say "She looks like she wants to be done as soon as she can"

All of us stare at the 3 men with anticipation she writes their orders down and turns towards the bar
"ILL GET YA NUMBER WITH THAT" one shouts I push myself out of the seat but Bill shoves me back down
"Tom don't fuck the plan up" I can understand that he wants to get this over with but I cant sit by and let that man talk to my woman like that.
One of the men working for me runs the bar, and because he'd been bartending at this club for years he was very trusted by Roman and his men.
I sent him a text
*put something in their drinks* it reads
his phone buzzes in his apron pocket and he reads the text he looks around the room and spots Taylor walking towards the bar, he then looks towards us nods

Bill sighed and shook his head at me
"Its what they deserve Bill."
Taylor walks back to their table and gives them their drinks
"I wish we could be here to watch that unfold" I say to the boys Georg laughs and elbows me when he sees Taylor walking to us.
She looks so confident, i'm glad. She looks a lot healthier then she did the last time I saw her

"Hello! What can I get for you all tonight?" She sounds like a robot, and she reeks of alcohol.
"We'll take 4 rums please." Bill says.
She paused for a second while she tried to get a good look at us
"Alright, Ill be back in one minute" She walks away from our table
"since when did Taylor smoke?" says Gustav,
"She doesn't." I start "She always used to put my cigarettes out when I smoked around her"
"Hmph... weird" says Georg

I watch as she jokes with John and when shes leaving the bar she does a bowing motion to him.
"let me know if you guys want anything later on!" She seems to have cheered up a bit.
"Taylor. Sit down" Bill orders, I nudge him in the ribcage for talking to my woman in that manner
she follows his orders and sits down with us
"can I help you sir?" I wonder how she hasn't recognised Bills voice yet, but to be fair the music is so loud that I can hardly hear Georg when he talks and he's right next to me

"yes, yes you can." Bill says "we are going to be leaving in a minute, you will go to the bathroom, and climb through the window. understood?" I elbow him again
"Im sorry but who are you, and why do you know my name?" She leans forward and looks at us all, I tip my sunglasses down a bit so she can see my eyes, then she looks at Bill who had also done the same and thats when we saw her eyes light up

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