Where Is He Taking Me

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My eyes flutter open as I slowly let myself adjust to the sun beaming through the tall windows, Tom is already awake and staring at the ceiling.
I lift my head up and rub my puffy eyes
"Morning my love" Tom kisses my forehead before I climb out of the bed, my head is pounding I need water.
"Im gonna go get something to drink" I groan as I make my way down the stairs and wander over to the kitchen


"Morning." Bill is sat at the breakfast bar, moving his full plate around with his fork. He looks so tired. And he stinks of alcohol
"Bill," I try to think of the right words "Look Im sorry but this cant happen, we cant happen." I sit opposite him and stare into his empty eyes
"I cant sneak behind Toms back like this its just not who I am. And I will have to tell him at some point you know?" His eyes widen
"Are you fucking crazy?" Bill snaps
"Yes, evidently. But I cant carry the guilt on my shoulders. Its better if I just tell him."
Bill takes a deep breath in and stands up, he storms over to me and looks down at me
"You fucking tell him, and I swear to God you are dead. Do you understand me Taylor." I shiver, his voice turned cold and his jaw is clenched in anger
"You don't tell me what to do, Bill" I respond calmly
"Taylor, you're going to regret it." He crouches down to come face to face with me
"What are you going to do Bill?" I scoff

He grabs me off the stool and shoves my face into the solid marble counter with all of his force.
"This is what I'm going to do Taylor." He undoes my robe as he trails his warm hands down my bruised body
"TOM!" I scream on the top of my lungs. Please, please let him hear me.
The sound of Bills belt hitting the floor echoes through the kitchen, I brace myself
As Bill slides his hands down my body I shiver in fear. I cant go through this again. Please.
Bill holds my hips as he chuckles to himself. I don't even know why he's being like this, he's always been so nice to me.

I hear a door open and slam shut from upstairs, I turn my head back to look at Bill who's too concentrated on my body to notice any noise around him. I turn my head back to the stairs to see Tom sprinting down them
"Bill! Get the fuck off of my woman now." He pulls out his gun and points it directly at Bills forehead
"Taylor! Nows your opportunity, what is it you wanted to tell Tom?" he teases

"Bill came onto me yesterday, I promise I didn't do anything back to him I didn't even lay a finger on him and I sent him away after please believe me! Please Tom." I plead while my heart pounds in my chest
"Is this true Bill?" Tom slowly edges towards us, still pointing the gun at Bill. Fuck.

"She was asking for it. She was wearing a slutty red bikini. She had that look in her eyes ya know?" Tom clenches his jaw and swallows hard
"Don't speak about her like that." He spits
"Or what!" The strong scent of alcohol on his breath goes directly into my face
"You don't want to find out." Tom runs at Bill and tackles him onto the ground

"Go get the others baby" I run up the stairs and bang on Georg's door. Theres no response so I let myself in
Georg is passed out on the bed and Gustav is passed out on the floor
"Hey! Wake up!" They both jump as I shout at them
"What the fuck Tay?"
"Get downstairs now! Its bad." They jump to their feet and we run back to the kitchen where Tom still has Bill pinned
"Oh for fucks sake" Gustav sighs
"Can you two take him somewhere please. If Im left alone with him any longer I might kill him." Tom releases Bill and the others grab him before dragging him outside

"Taylor, is this why you were scared last night" Tom walks over to me and brings me into a tight hug
"Mmh." I sigh into his arms
"Oh baby, you should've told me"
"I thought you'd kill me." I admit
Tom pulls back and looks into my dull eyes. He opens his mouth however no words manage to escape, all he can do is stare at me as I tremble in fear. He knows deep down that he would've done something to me though. I know he would've.
"I-" he stutters as he tries to form a sentence.
"It wasn't your fault" He brings me back into a hug and rubs my back as he plants comforting kisses on the top of my head

"Cmon baby, sit down Ill get you a drink" Tom grabs two glasses and fills them both with crisp cold water before coming to stand behind me, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and lets his head rest in the crook of my neck, his hot breath warms me up.
I sip the ice cold drink, it sends daggers down my throat, its strained from screaming and crying. I wince as I try to push past the pain, I'm so thirsty.
Tom hums a song quietly in my ear as he squeezes me tighter. My body relaxes as I finally begin to feel safe again
"Why don't we go out somewhere nice today" He suggests
"Sure" I smile as I feel him slowly stand back up
"Go get ready then, Ill be up soon." I nod as I stand up from my seat, as I begin to walk off Tom grabs my wrist
"Oh but Taylor, if I find out you were sneaking around with Bill, and it wasn't just Bill who was making moves, you will be punished" he releases the grip on my wrist and smiles at me as I back away from him. Fuck. Now Im wondering if he's taking me somewhere to torture me, what if I do actually end up like Yumi? Where is he going to take me?

I hurry myself up the winding stairs and collapse onto the door as soon as I get into my room.
What is that even supposed to mean? How am I supposed to know if Bill will lie to Tom? What is Tom going to do to me? And where the fuck is he going to take me? Shit shit shit.

I try to push the thoughts out of my head while I make my way to the wardrobe to get dressed. I put on my new jeans and a pink sweater, at least I look good? I pick up the hairbrush from the side and tease the knots from my hair out. How is it so matted?
I have to rip a few of the knots out but soon enough my hair becomes pretty and soft again. I twirl in the mirror as I grab some of Toms cologne to spray myself with.

I then make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, the strong minty flavour stings my sensitive throat. As Im brushing, I look into the mirror to properly observe my face, the gashes are scabbing over and my face isn't swollen as bad anymore, my black eye has gone down heaps and my split lip is healing a bit. I have to go out looking like this. I wouldn't be surprised if someone called the police for domestic abuse.
But, I don't think anyones going to do that if they see Tom, because theres no chance people have forgotten about him.
I put my toothbrush back and come back downstairs, Tom is gone so Im assuming he went in our room to get dressed.

Everything's so quiet, I can hear the birds chirping outside and I can hear the hot-tub bubbling. The living room smells like vanilla candles, it reminds me of how the girls perfume smelt when I first met them. I miss them more than anything. My poor girls. I know they're happier now, much happier. Now all I have to do is wait till its my time so I can finally be with them again. Thats when Ill be truly happy.

"Cmon then babe!" Tom scoops his keys up from the counter
"Georg you coming?"
"Yeah go on then" Georg picks his keys up before saying goodbye to Gustav and wishing him luck with Bill. He's gonna need it.
I grow nauseous as we approach the shiny cars, once I get in, thats it. If he's going to take me somewhere to kill me theres nothing I can do to save myself.

I buckle myself into the car and Tom steps on the gas. Here we go again.

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