Back From The Dead

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"Come closer." The man has a thick German accent and it sounds familiar yet it sends shivers down my spine.

"yes sir" i do as he says and move closer to him and thats when I smell him.
He smells strongly of cologne, one that i recognised but i'm not quite sure from where.

"w-who are you.. and wheres the man I usually meet?" I question. Im careful not to mention Georg's name incase someone had caught on to what we were doing.

"I- He-" the mans voice trembles and he seemed to be softer than how he had been a few seconds ago. I hear a sniffle, and before I knew it the man wrapped his muscular arms around me holding me in a tight, warm hug.

Thats when I knew. I burst out crying and i grasped onto the mans shirt
"hey... you know I hate it when people grab me by my clothing" he said in between sniffles his voice shaking

"Oh Tom. Ive missed you so much" I cant control my emotions anymore and I just collapse into him
"my sweet girl. Ive missed you more than anything" his words make my body warm up.

I pull away from him
"you're dead." .... "have i died?" I ask now overpowered with confusion
Tom chuckles "no princess, I never died"
i don't even care for an explanation all that matters is that he's here, with me, and i'm finally in his arms once again.

"alright but howd you get in? I mean have you seen the amount of guards Roman has?" I now worry about what he might've done
"don't stress darling, because Georg has become a top buyer here all I had to do was walk to the lady at the front, say my name was James and that was it" his voice is soft and he's stroking my hair rather than pulling it for a change
"what a stupid name" i laugh "James"
"Ask Georg not me" he says laughing under his breath

All of my emotions are hitting me at once and the only thing I want to do is feel him.
I pull him into a deep, sloppy kiss and feel all around his body, checking if he's actually real and i haven't made all of this up to distract myself again, but no, hes totally real.

The kiss becomes sloppier and sloppier as we both try to get as close as we can to each other incase we become separated again.

I reach his jeans and fumble around in an attempt to get them undone, he notices how much of a struggle I'm in and does it himself, and after he lifts my skirt up.

Toms the type of guy that wants to be completely naked when having sex, but tonight... tonight its different, all he wants is to be inside of me. And he's not going to waste any time taking my skin tight outfit off.

He toys with me for a while, as he remembers how much I like it and whilst he does that he whispers sweet nothings into my ear.
"my beautiful girl I've missed you"
"I've missed the sound of your sweet voice"
I cant help but let a few moans escape my mouth while he touches me and sucks on my neck.

He comes back up to look at me in the eyes, and for a change he seems to really be admiring me. He goes to take his boxers off and I watch him eagerly, he comes back to rest his head into the crook of my neck and plants a few kisses on my collarbones

"may I?" he asks.
My eyes light up hearing just two simple words, they sound so pointless to some but to me, hearing him asking me weather I want this or not made my heart melt, and in that moment I fall in love with the man I hated, once again.

I nod franticly and he doesn't hold back, he finally pushes himself inside of me and we both let out a sigh.
As he pounds into me, his chain dangles in my face and I look up into his dark eyes craving him more and more.
He kisses me again, this time shoving his tongue into my mouth.

My legs wrap around him and I squeeze his waist with my thighs, while my hands snake my way to his back. And with each thrust, my fingernails dig more and more into his skin.
I moan into his mouth and I feel his lips curl up into a smirk. I bite his lip piercing and use my tongue to play with it.

He raises his hand from the side of me and I slightly flinch at him, causing him to slow his thrusts down, he slowly moves his hand down to cup my face and he strokes my cheek with his thumb while whispering the words "I'm sorry Taylor. Im so sorry" into my mouth between kisses. I mean he should be sorry. but right now I don't even care.

His thrusts become faster, and i feel my climax coming. I cant help but moan his name, something I haven't done in a long long time
"oh Tom" I say before I reach my climax.
He collapses on top of me and we lay there, just holding each other, no speaking, no questions, no sorrys, just genuine appreciation.

The clock hanging on the wall sounds and thats when our hearts sink. Our time together is up.
I start to cry, and I cry hard.

He helps me dress and once were both fully clothed he folds his shirt up and shoves it into my purse for me to keep.

I cant be in here any longer so just leaving will be easier then sitting here having to dread the goodbye even more. I bring myself to my feet, legs trembling beneath me and Tom cant help but laugh at me. I flip him off and kiss him one last time before leaving. It fucking hurts having to walk away from him but its what has to be done.

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