A New Hope

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(A few years later)

"Daddy's home!"
"Theres my two favourite girls!"
"How was your day?"
"Same as usual, how was yours"
"It was so fun! Uncle Gustav took me to get ice cream for everyone!"
"That sounds great, did you get any for me?"

My beautiful daughter and my husband. God she looks just like him, she has his eyes, that shiny copper and deep hazel. But she has my red hair.
Tom plants a kiss on my forehead before he lifts Hope up into his arms
"You have got chocolate all over your face!" He treats us so well, I never would've thought he'd be such an amazing father, but I've been proven wrong.
"I made dinner" I say as I plate up Toms food
"Thank you hunny"

He's been on his medication for almost three years now and it seems to be working alright, his highs don't completely change him but he still leaves just in case.
Gustav has stopped drinking so he can be in Hopes life.
Georg has been teaching Hope how to read and write.
Bill has sorted things out with Tom and moved back in with us.
And I have found a reason to live on.
We've moved away from Tokyo and settled down in a British countryside far away from any towns or cities, our mansion is surrounded by fields and woodlands where Bill takes Hope to explore.
Life is actually amazing. No more killing or gangs or arguments, just family.

Our house is beautiful, flowers line the paths and theres a small pond on the front lawn, the back garden is huge, trees line the edge of the grass and on our patio is a hot-tub.
Tom planted orchids in the flower patch and is dedicated to keep them alive.

Me and Toms wedding was more then perfect, Hope was a flower girl, and I finally reconnected with my family. And the only person I can thank for that is Tom, he searched for months to find them. And when he did he sent them a long heartfelt message informing them on whats been happening over the past few years. He also apologised to them and met with them without me knowing so he could explain himself as best as he could. Thankfully they love Tom. Surprisingly they got along really well.
They met Hope for the first time and fell in love with her, they visit us every once in a while to check in on us. Needless to say Hope loves her grandma and grandpa so much.

Ive been attending AA meetings and have been alcohol free for three years, Tom has stood by me every step of the way.
Im more than proud to call Tom my husband, he's become a totally new person.
Without him I don't even think Id be here anymore, but he got me through it.

Im finally able to walk after a year of physiotherapy, so by the time Hope was born I was able to care for her fully.
Ive never felt so alive.
Everyone got rid of their guns and we only keep one locked away in the attic for protection.

"Can we go in the fast car!" Hope tugs on Toms shirt
"Of course we can princess, you coming ma?" He extends his arm out and I take his hand as we walk to his jet black hellcat.
I sit in the passenger seat and put Hope on my lap
"Ready?" Tom asks while tickling Hope
"Yes! Go go go!"
Tom revs the engine and races down the empty country road, we whiz past cow filled fields and rows of trees. The setting sun shines a golden beam through the trees.
"Wooo!" Hope loves going fast, just like her dad.
He drifts to the side and speeds back to the house, when we get into the drive he does donuts, kicking up dust and tar.
"That was so fun! Thanks daddy!" She jumps into his lap and plays with his beard
"Come on then trouble, lets get you ready for bed" He takes her inside with me
"I wanna say night night to uncles!" She insists
"Fine, lets go then"
We take her into the garden where the boys are sat on the sun loungers

"Night uncle Bill!" Tom hands her to Bill
"Night uncle Georg!" Bill hands her to Georg
"Night uncle Gustav!" Georg hands her to Gustav.
She cuddles everyone and jumps back to her dad
"Night hope, sweet dreams!" Bill says waving
"Don't let the bedbugs bite!" Gustav shouts teasingly, Hope blows raspberries at him and clutches onto Toms shoulders as shes carried inside.  

Tom and I tuck Hope into her bed and each kiss her rosy cheeks
"Sleep well my angel" Tom moves her stuffed bunny next to her as she slowly drifts off to sleep.
He wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple
"You okay baby?" He asks as we walk down the stairs to the living room
"Yeah, pretty exhausted though. How was work"
"Average. I just missed you both too much" He pulls my body close to his and holds me tight.

If you told me five years ago that id be happily married to Tom with a daughter Id tell you to fuck off. I never would've thought my life would turn out this way, I thought Id just be subjected to abuse and depression my whole entire life, but things change. And they did for the better.
I am just so happy that I decided to keep living, because if I didn't, Id miss out on all of this.
I never would've guessed my story would have a happy ending, but things took a turn. I was always missing that little bit of hope, but now I've found it. I could not be happier.

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