Fuck You

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We pull up to the house and Tom escorts me in, my head is pounding. He lays me in bed and tucks me in
"Ill go get you pain killers and water" He gets up to leave and I nod to him. Im so confused on what happened, I can hardly wrap my head around it. All I remember is my foot breaking through the wooden planks in the warehouse. After that everything's a blur, then I woke up in a fucking hospital. I want an explanation of what Tom was going to do, I need to know if he was actually going to kill me.
The door opens and Tom enters with the pain killers and water, I take a tablet and wash it down.

"Tom," I start "What happened?" He turns to look at me, his face full of guilt
"You fell through the roof and split your head open." He says
"Right..." I take a moment to absorb that information "But I need to know, where you actually going to kill me?" His face drops as he puts his head in his hands
He takes a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak

"Taylor, I spoke to Bill." I roll my eyes, what lie has Bill told?
"He told me that you admitted to having feelings for him." My jaw drops. What the fuck?
"I do not have feelings for Bill, Tom." He huffs
"You actually think that id go sneaking around with your twin brother behind your back? You actually think that low of me?" I scoff in disbelief
"I was going to try and force the information out of you." He pauses, his head still in his hands

"But then something came over me, I realised I should've killed you long long ago." My eyes widen at his cold hearted remark
"Wh- What do you mean?"
"I should've killed you when I killed Yumi. Then none of this would've happened." He picks his head back up to look at me
"You wouldn't be put through all the trauma you endured." I furrow my eyebrows at him "It would've been an easy way out for you."

I sit back and look around the room trying to find an appropriate response for such a cruel statement. But its true. I would've been at peace. No Roman, no Tom. Just peace. I take a deep breath before speaking again

"So you were going to kill me yesterday?" I need an answer
"I don't know."
I roll my eyes at his pathetic response. How do you not know if you're going to kill someone? Thats just ridiculous.
"Whatever Tom" I brush my tongue over my teeth and sigh.

He brushes his legs and gets up
"Just drink your water." He leaves the room and slams the door shut behind him leaving me on my own.

I touch the back of my head which is wrapped with a bandage I'm guessing to protect the stitches. Im in so much pain. And I cant believe that Bill would say such a thing, I thought he was nice, I thought he was the 'normal' one. Obviously I thought wrong.

Now that I think about it, I wish Tom did kill me. I wish he shot me down alongside Yumi and let me bleed out on the gravely road. I wish he sent that bullet directly in my head. I wish he killed me. Because all that ever happens is I get something good, then its torn away from me. The vicious cycle of being given a brief moment of happiness to have it destroyed. I don't know what I did to deserve it. But I do know that theres nothing I can do to destroy the past, destroy the trauma. All I can do is cry about it until my eyes go dry, thats it. Nothing can reverse the torture Ive been put through, nothing can make me feel better.

As Im deep in thought I'm interrupted by a voice
"Taylor. Im sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." I turn to face the person speaking
"Oh save it Bill." How dare he come in and apologise after trying to rape me, after almost getting me killed.
"Taylor I-"
"Just shut up. I don't want to hear it" I interrupt
"You couldn't help but throw my life away just to get Tom off your back!" He stands and stares at me while I shout
"You are a coward, Bill." He looks at the floor
"A big fucking coward." I sit up
"As soon as things were going well you felt the need to fuck it all up! Fucking idiot." I spit.
Bill stands in the doorway, head down, shoulders hunched as I unleash my rage on him.
"You are so self centred!"
My body heats up as a wave of anger overtakes me
"FUCK YOU BILL! FUCK YOU." Im screaming now.

"Hey! Hey whats going on?" Tom shoves Bill out of the door and rushes to my side
"What happened?"
"Him! He happened! I hate him" Bill nods and trudges out of the room, my chest begins to hurt from breathing so heavily and fast.
"Its okay Taylor, just get some rest." Tom goes to kiss my forehead, but before his lips make contact he backs away and walks out.

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